Welcome to a new standard in Community Sustainability Specialists
We specialize in all forms of Sustainable Living focusing on: Energy, Water, Land, Housing, Waste Utilization, Organic Food Production, and have a completely unique and game-changing Sustainability Program that people of all ages and skill levels can benefit from.
Note: We’ve been notified that government offices are receiving calls inquiring if Neutopia’s program is indeed independent or if it is in any way associated with any utility company or government office. We are 100% Free and Independent from any government, political party, utility company, existing rebate or incentive program. Sure, we can help you apply for financial incentives with existing programs, but after your first meeting with us you will see how fast we can save you money, how much more money we can save you, and that we have our own investment network ready to get projects implemented faster than via any other methods we’ve seen anywhere in the world.
And not only that…
YES we can absolutely give your Community Energy Plan the Turbo-Boost it needs, even redoing it if necessary, or simply getting the existing plan into the implementation stage. Call us 647-389-1674
Also; call us about REFERENCES!! Neutopia is a massive global network of solutions providers, professors, engineers, environmental scientists, green building specialists, and project scouts that have completed literally tens of thousands of projects all over the world. Find out about the amazing things we’re doing right here in Ontario. We are SAVING people from wasting millions of dollars on the wrong projects, from following the wrong community plans. YOU NEED TO SEE FOR YOURSELF: Our community seminars bring former executives from hydro companies, government offices, professors of electrical engineering and sustainable buildings, experts from a wide variety of disciplines. We are probably one of the most impressive networks of Sustainable Living and Sustainable Communities that you could ever encounter. Get the help you need, today!

Just sign your name on the Easy Sign-up Form for a FREE Information Session or a FREE Community Program and Submit by email. DO NOT Worry about the deadline, we just need your name and phone number and can work on a BCR later.
At least sign up for the Free Awareness Sessions so your community leaders can see what other communities are doing (keep it private for Council or invite the whole community, or do 2 or 3 or 5 sessions, combine with anything, they are all FREE)

Click this Link: Letter of Interest Neutopia Sustainable Community Program
Program Summary Sheet Click Here: Neutopia ecoSolutions Indigenous Community Program
Letter from the President: http://www.neutopia.ca/letter-from-the-president/
WARNING: Don’t get mixed up assuming this is something you are ‘already doing’; Neutopia is the Globally Exclusive Provider of this Unique Program. No other companies or programs are offering anything remotely close to the benefits that Neutopia provides.
Neutopia is independent from any government office, political party, utility company, the IESO, and any other government entity, company, or association.
Neutopia is a massive global network of solutions providers, technology manufacturers, and educators, and turn-key solutions providers.
We have our own Sustainability Investment Network and we are the exclusive ERS Solutions provider worldwide, with our pre-screening program identifying 20% to 50% savings off the total energy bill within 3 hours of completing our assessment.
We encourage every community leader, every business owner, building owner, and home owner to get a free assessment BEFORE they agree to participate in any other program or energy conservation initiative.
We have invented a completely new and innovative system that eliminates millions of wasted dollars and can create immediate jobs, and can identify immediate projects related to energy, food, water, sustainable housing, waste management, ecoTransportation, the list goes on and on.
When it comes to Energy, our ERS Energy Program is in a category of its own; you can add it to any Conservation Plan or include it in any project – everyone involved in energy should be doing ERS BEFORE they even think about changing a light-bulb or installing any solar panels (it could save you up to 60% on any future projects!)

Don’t worry about the Deadlines, we simply need your name and phone number! An information pack will be sent to you and the Band Council Resolution can come later, we just need to know that you’re serious about this. |
Program Information Sessions
Learn the 3 Easy Steps to Get Started
- What is a Neutopia Park and ERS Community Program?
- How First Nations Benefit
The Problem with Global Electrical Systems
The Solution
The Results
Also, get immediate help with existing community plans. We’ve seen so many mistakes in 100% of all Community Plans that we’ve examined, and we could end up saving your community hundreds of thousands of dollars from following the wrong advice…Do it right the first time with Neutopia! It’s worth attending a Free Information Session ASAP
Program Cost: $25,000 to $250,000
Government Grants Can Cover All or Partial Fees!!
(we will do a free assessment to let you know if any government grant or participation is a benefit or a hindrance to saving you the most money as possible. We say this because in our research we’ve discovered that since we can identify how to save 20% to 50% for any community or building within 3 hours of completing our free assessment, it MIGHT be more beneficial to NOT apply for any government grants and instead start our program immediately without delay.
Furthermore, since Neutopia has unlimited funding for all of our projects worldwide, it means that our clients can opt to have a project financed instead of using their own money, and they can still own the project 100% and repay over a time that best suits their needs. Alternatively, a client may opt to let Neutopia invest and own and create a profit-sharing program. We are very flexible with our options.
At least get a free assessment so you can make an educated decision. |
Neutopia’s Programs should be done BEFORE you purchase any Renewable Energy or Energy Conservation equipment because our multi-year study proved that most energy projects are being done the wrong way and this will result in requiring most Energy Studies, Energy Audits, and all Calculations to be redone.
Do it right the first time with Neutopia!
(see example nightmare from Ontario below)
Neutopia is the exclusive provider of the ERS Program and technology solution worldwide, and we are proudly 100% Canadian. We will Educate and Train members of your community, we will Create Jobs, we will make an Immediate Impact with Immediate Installations and Immediate Savings.
This is NOT about a study or a report; it is about Immediate Action. |
ERS Community Programs available across Ontario
–Every Community and every building is a candidate,
and all qualify for eco-Financing through the Neutopia Sustainable Investment Network!
GET YOUR COMMUNITY PROGRAM; includes FREE Training & Job Creation
- homeowners have cut as high as 40% without changing a light-bulb, no solar, no wind, no moving parts at all. Guest speakers will amaze you.
- 100% of all Ontario businesses that participated in our study proved all can save 20% to 50% with customized ERS technology – no need to change any equipment or behaviour whatsoever!
- What does this mean? It means you should be doing this BEFORE you pay for an energy audit for the common stuff like changing lights and behaviours
- See our Current Projects & Case Studies website HERE.
We know what happens when somebody excites a community; there is a buzz and people are pumped about positive change. The problem is when the mentor is gone, so is the momentum. The projects die. The reports collect dust. This is why our ERS Program includes an educational component that not only inspires, but demonstrates how to do the work and we train people to continue to do this work when we are gone. It’s not about doing a few things to help the community today; it’s about Permanently making the community a better place and constantly improving it. |
You will see Case Studies in our Training how an ERS can save:
- a long list of manufacturing plants: 35% – 62% cut in Total Electricity Bill
- Seniors home: 42%
- Hospital: 64%
- Apartment Complex: a whopping 72%
- Restaurants: 30%
- Convenience Stores: 40%
- Hotels: 68% off Total Bill (it’s amazing how difficult big chains can be!)
- and many many more*
*we have literally hundreds of slides to show. Our research may be one of the most aggressive and comprehensive studies ever conducted for climate change solutions and energy cost savings worldwide. 100,000’s of km travel around the world. We have something for every building guaranteed.
Please also check out our massive website full of examples of current projects and case studies – our ERS Program has zero competition.
Current Project and Case Studies
What is an ecoPark?
Main website
Community ERS Program
We will work with you to submit any grants that you may be interested in, since we can customize our program for various non-repayable Grants and/or Rebates and/or Incentives, but our greatest value comes in our ERS Program that NO OTHER COMPANY can come close to duplicating (if they could, they would be doing it already!) all programs come complete with detailed action plans within days to save $10,000’s – $100,000’s (Neutopia will continue to assist with projects for as long as 18 months following program completion)
Don’t assume you cannot participate if you’re already applying or working on a grant or a project; ALL OF NEUTOPIA’S Programs are completely independent – NOBODY in Ontario is doing this, we are the inventor and exclusive provider. Say goodbye to your energy headaches!
Neutopia Sustainability Program
A blueprint on how to cut your bills 20% to 50% for Every Home, Building, Business, and the Entire Community – can be combined with any existing plan or in-progress plan
Pick 1 or Combination of any Below:
- Includes Global Awareness Seminar (FREE*)
- Includes Education & Training Program (FREE*)
- Includes Energy Security & Reliability Program (FREE*)
- Includes Assessments on Which Combination of Technologies is best for your Community (FREE*)
- Includes Full Turn-Key Installation of Community Energy Systems (including any Home, Community-owned Building, or Local Business (FREE**)
We guarantee to impress you and your entire community. Neutopia can do in a few weeks or months what would normally take a team to complete over a year or more by following the traditional Grant programs, but with Neutopia we are able to combine technologies, processes, methodology, and actual implementation
We work like the world depends on us.
Our Incredible and Inspiring Story
We will amaze you with our story; founded in 2008 to become the world’s first Social Impact Sustainability company. Our goal was to find inefficiency, pollution, and wasted opportunities and provide the technology to harvest that waste into a business opportunity and then re-invest our own profits to help make the world a better place, one community or one person at a time.
What have we accomplished? Not only are we responsible for more than $30 million in energy projects in Ontario, we have done a lot behind the scenes and a lot in public. Just Google “Neutopia ecoSolutions” and you will see tons of information and images of us with politicians, international travels, conferences, teaching audiences, working on renewable energy and waste management projects.
But most importantly, we have completed perhaps the most aggressive and comprehensive study ever conducted for climate change solutions worldwide. Our pictures of our travels and technologies that are changing businesses and lives around the world will inspire you to take action. This is not about writing reports and doing studies; that time is over. This is all about immediate action. We will present you with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings with an Immediate Action Plan for implementation.
Over $100 Million in over-spending has been identified in our provincial study, a massive undertaking; every community official interested in Ontario’s electricity problem should attend the training seminars. |
Dozens upon dozens of sites already participating in Ontario…
Savings of 20%-50%
Call 647-389-1674 TODAY
DEADLINES are Monthly.
It takes 5 minutes to learn what Neutopia can do for you!