Neutopia is a unique Community Enhancement Project Development Company with pioneering vision: our mandate is to help communities by integrating our model ecoPARKS & Sustainable Community Green Plans to reduce waste, reduce energy costs and/or to generate new revenue streams while our Social Benefit business model devotes our profits to community development projects at home and around the world.
Our main focus is even greater; integrating large bio-industrial ecoPARKS for entire communities that are eager to develop Community Improvement Plans or ‘Green Plans’ to embrace self-empowerment via renewable energy, energy efficiency technologies, bio-products manufacturing, next-gen farming & waste management programs to ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle or Recover Energy”.
Developing Your Own Project? Partner with Neutopia!
Partnering with Neutopia has many benefits especially if you are developing your own projects or are part of a Community Energy Partnership Program or a member of a Co-op or have a non-profit business.
Firstly, your purchase may qualify to be a 100% tax write-off via Neutopia’s unique business model. Secondly, we have established preferred pricing from a multitude of manufacturing partners so we do not have to go through regular distribution channels. Finally, our game-changing Social Benefit business model ensures revenues are re-invested in your community!
Neutopia’s unique community benefit business model can significantly lower the cost of your project and/or it can result in lucrative revenues being re-invested in your community or be devoted for international development initiatives to help ease suffering around the world.
Neutopia has raised the bar on what it means to be a community project!
WE CAN USE ANY TECHNOLOGY YOU PREFER, although we spent considerable time conducting due diligence on the leading technologies for every category of waste and energy problems that communities face and established relationships direct with the technology manufacturers, all who are eager to participate in Neutopia’s Green Community Social Benefit projects.
If there’s a certain technology you prefer that we don’t already have in our portfolio then we can easily acquire that technology for your specific project. And if you have already initiated discussions with another engineering firm or technology provider it is not too late, we are confident our team can still establish a partnership agreement whereby Neutopia could become a lead investor to ensure the revenues are maintained in your community.
Please call us to discuss your opportunities.
Neutopia Community ecoPARKs will be designed according to the needs and resources of each community: it could produce bio-based products, bio-chemicals, transportation bio-fuels, fuel pellets, it could include waste recycling, conversion of organic waste into clean energy & compost, and it would incorporate solar panels, geo-thermal systems, wind turbines, micro-hydro technologies etc. to generate clean electricity and the greatest revenue possible per hectare of land.
Neutopia Green Community Seminars
Learn what other communities are already doing and what can be done in your own community!
Neutopia is actively recruiting towns with community leaders who are interested in job creation, renewable energy, harnessing our natural resources, and perhaps more importantly developing a community infrastructure for a truly sustainable future.
Uniting the Community
One of the key steps in our Neutopia Green Community Partnership Program™ is to hold our proprietary Green Community Public Awareness Seminar.
This is an awe-inspiring two-hour odyssey into the realm of renewable energy and success stories from around the world, complete with pictures, videos and exciting guest speakers. We introduce the reason why we were recruited to the Municipality, what we are planning, and how the community can get involved with their own green energy projects.
Neutopia sets the stage for a unified Green Community Effort!
You are invited to participate in an unprecedented economic development initiative planned around the world. Neutopia Community Awareness Seminars include an awe-inspiring multi-media presentation to reveal and explain how various technologies are being used successfully by other communities around the world, and how your community may be able to participate in the cleantech and bio-based economic revolution.
They are followed by an open discussion forum.
Seminar Topics
- Sustainable Living -Global Success Stories: Do You Realize What Others are Already Doing?
- Retrofitting Landfills, Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Food Processing Plants to Create Clean Energy & High Value Bio-Products: Your Waste is a Valuable Resource!
- Purpose-grown Crops on Marginal Land, Organic Waste-to-Clean Energy, Carbon Capture and Re-use: How to Create Multiple New Revenue Streams on under-utilized land.
- Neutopia’s Green Community Partnership Program™: How Your Town Can Benefit from a COMMUNITY GREEN PLAN with a RESOURCE RECOVERY & RENEWABLE ENERGY eco-PARK!
Neutopia’s Social Benefit business model presents a regionally cooperative plan that enables towns to successfully unite their resources & offer their residents new revenue streams, clean energy, and alternatives to landfills.
This will result in job creation, improved recycling capabilities, renewable energy production, new opportunities for sustainable farms & forestry, Brown-field development, long-term employment and economic development throughout their region.
Robert Laporte, CEO Neutopia
Five Easy Steps to Get Started
- Meeting with Neutopia; Presentations, Educational Seminars
- Identify Opportunities
- Create Project Advisory Team, Conduct Community Assessments / Interviews, Project Evaluations, Identify Problems and Technology Solutions
- Determine Potential Projects, Target Immediate Opportunities
- Prepare Project Development Proposals
- Corporate Review
- Assess Feasibility, Prepare Financial Offers
- Proposal to Client
- Present Contract Offer
- Partner Reviews and Decides Which Offer to Pursue
- Start Project Development
- Initiate Project Development Protocol: Prepare Grants, Applications, Permits etc., Engage Project Development Team, Announce Project to Partner Groups

Once you have decided to become a Neutopia Green Community Partner™ our multidisciplinary team of Green Energy specialists will be put to work and will prepare your Green Project Proposal including all paperwork and meetings with required organizations (hydro, OPA, all environmental studies, approvals, permits, equipment supply, engineering & construction etc).
Within a few weeks you could receive a formal Project Offer including all financing for your project to get started!