Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. has finalized the Green Church Initiative, which offers churches across North America a solution for creating new revenue streams. These new revenue streams, along with cost savings attributed to the integration of energy efficiency technologies and strategies, can be used to lower operating and maintenance costs of running the churches or to finance community aid projects.
Neutopia may be the first and only company in the world to offer such a program to churches. While there are a wide variety of consulting firms who all offer energy saving tips and recommendations, Neutopia’s program offers a full A to Z project development initiative and will result in massive investments into development projects that will improve community health in addition to financing and development of international aid projects.

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Furthermore, it’s a new operating model for churches that otherwise have to rely on donations and charity drives to strengthen their financial capabilities. Neutopia’s innovative Social Benefit Project Development approach may pioneer a new method to create self-empowerment for churches that can especially benefit by attracting and retaining youth and new ambassadors for church programs and initiatives.
We believe that for every 10 churches that join Neutopia’s program we will be able to devote up to $100,000 toward community development projects. There are thousands of churches that could participate…the projects are sitting right under our noses and the revenue could be saving lives. This is a prime example of why we need to lead by example. We are now eagerly seeking church partnerships!