The fastest and least expensive way to cut the global carbon footprint is here! Simply fill out the form as best you can, or get your local Neutopia Student Ambassador and they can use the information from your last year’s utility bills to fill out the form. Within 10 minutes we will know how to cut your Energy, Waste and Water bills by at least 10%!!*
Energy efficiency, on-site energy generation and storage, on-site waste conversion…you are currently overspending in so many areas that you will be amazed at how much your next year’s bottom line will increase.
*Our 100% Savings Guarantee backed by an independent 3rd party internationally recognized engineering firm eliminates any risk on your part. All you need to do is commit to saving money and we will show you several ways with a focus on technologies that have a 20%+ ROI. And not only that, we will help empower people in need around the world with our own profits.
Call us for the password so you can access the link below immediately.
Click Here to get started today!
World’s first Power Plant for Poverty to be Built in Ontario
– an idea whose time has come
Toronto, Ontario – January 26, 2015
NEUTOPIA ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. today has announced plans of their first Power Plant for Poverty, expected to be operational by the end of this summer. The social impact renewable energy project located in the municipality of Clarington, will receive guaranteed monthly revenue from supplying clean energy into the Ontario power grid for the next 20 years. It will be the first power plant in the world of its kind…not because of the technology, but because of how the profits are used: 100% of Neutopia’s profits are re-invested into projects to help empower people with technologies that fight the root causes of human suffering around the world. It will generate millions of dollars not to line the pockets of corporate shareholders, but to save tens of thousands of lives.
The Re-distribution of Wealth via a New Socio-Economic System
Unlike a charity or a not-for-profit where the money is gone once it’s raised and spent, with Neutopia the money is first invested into a cleantech project of the investor’s choice and the investment is paid back with guaranteed financial returns over 2 – 25 years while Neutopia uses its own profits from the project to bring technologies to help empower people in need (with ROI’s as high as 25%). The ‘pay-it-forward’ business model changes the face of investing because every dollar invested results in a guaranteed financial return unlike charities, and has an associated social impact unlike the stock market. Neutopia has basically united the two to attract both traditional investors and social impact philanthropists raising the bar to a whole new level for People Profit Planet initiatives.
Neutopia says “the answer to solving many of the problems in our world is not to be found in any particular technology, they already exist; the solution is in a new way of doing business with those technologies, essentially a new economic system that actually makes it profitable to help people in need”.
Neutopia’s business model is essentially using the profits from selling clean energy or biofuel to purchase technologies that help lower the operating costs of a local food bank, a building to help people with special needs or seniors in a long-term care facility, or to provide renewable energy to a village in Africa or even clean water technologies to an orphanage in India, or bring measles vaccines, or education, sustainable food supply etc.. The ideas are endless, but Neutopia has a blueprint on how to change the world with this system and has been attracting international interest. As Laporte stated at the International Vertical Cities Conference in Seoul, South Korea: “Our system works not by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, but by earning a profit by helping the rich get richer and using our own profits to help the poor. It’s a twist on Robin Hood meeting the Internet of Things and our time has come.”
Project Was Destined to Expire
The solar project was suspended over the past couple of years because the three original owners were in a legal battle over default of payments during development. It remained at a stand-still, destined to expire during a lengthy litigation process until Robert Laporte, CEO of Neutopia, approached each owner individually to figure out a solution:
“I met with each owner to get to know them. I wanted to understand what their goals were originally, and what their problems were now, in order to think about what kind of solutions may be possible”, said Laporte, “if the problem was only financial then Neutopia has unlimited funding for energy, green buildings and landfill diversion projects from the Neutopia Social Impact and Green Investment Network, so forming a partnership or buying the project at higher than market value would be an option.”
The owners did not want to have any partnership but rather to sell their respective ownership stake in the project, and were simply not able to establish a path forward with each other until Laporte came into the picture and never gave up.
“It took almost a year of on-going negotiations, whether by telephone, sending emails at 2am or even begging them to let us take on the project as it would result in millions of dollars being devoted to help ease suffering as part of Neutopia’s Social Impact initiatives”.
“If you want to change the world you need to think outside of the box, I’m just so thankful that these three businessmen had the heart to give Neutopia a chance. Now they will earn a profit rather than let it die in the courts and Neutopia will be able to help thousands of people in need every year for the next 20 years!”
Strategic Partnership is Key with Powerful Legal Team and Board of Advisors
Award-winning eco-engineers and distinguished professors (including a team of students from Canada’s largest college, Humber) will be assisting with the project, which is part of an emerging ecoPARK network Neutopia is planning around the world.
The solar project put Neutopia’s innovative tendering process to the test, inviting more than 300 cleantech and social impact investors to participate. They finally selected their investment partner on January 9th tapping into a multi-strategy hedge fund. The strategic partnership is with a project development company backed by an independent multinational asset management firm with more than $600 million in real estate assets and who now has a commitment to invest tens of millions of dollars into cleantech projects in Ontario. It also brings with it one of the most powerful law firms in the industry to protect Neutopia’s projects from hostile take-over’s, corporate corruption and circumvention so prevalent in the energy industry.
“We re-introduced the project to dozens of companies that were hungry for a piece of the pie, and some have already attempted circumvention, even calling the project owners directly,” says Laporte, “it’s a very dirty game and if any person or company attempts to slow down this project or bribe one of the original owners it will be regarded as stealing food and medicine from the poor and will not be taken lightly; it will be made public and dealt with in both social media and in the courts. Indeed, they better have deep pockets and prepared to sacrifice their shareholders stock value if they attempt to circumvent Neutopia, as we have already tapped into social media where millions are now learning about the project. We will defend the people we’re trying to help with whatever it takes.”
Neutopia is now uniting a powerful Board of Advisors including various scientists and champions of environmental sustainability and social change from local community groups and due to the global impact it could have, Neutopia has also invited members from the United Nations Task Force on Climate Change, UN Food and Agriculture Association, signatories to the UN PRI (United Nations Principles on Responsible Investing), Doctors Without Borders, Engineers Without Borders, and a host of world renowned organizations that could also benefit from Neutopia’s projects.
In an effort to create more awareness about the innovative business model that simultaneously fights climate change while solving many of the root causes of poverty, Neutopia has already reached out to Hollywood by contacting the agents of pro-active environmental and social change advocates including Angelina Jolie, Susan Sarandon, Morgan Freeman, Woody Harrelson, Sean Penn and Leonardo DiCaprio who was the host of a popular documentary on climate change but which lacked the solutions that Neutopia proposes.
Neutopia has also reached out to local hospitals such as St. Josephs and St. Michael’s, Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Kids, and even the Salvation Army and YMCA where Neutopia urged some of their property managers to join the $600 Million Retrofitting Canada Community Initiative last year (another program that implements the same business model via Green Building efficiency retrofits). Participating would enable these charities and community organizations to save millions of dollars by integrating Neutopia’s solutions to simultaneously lower the cost of waste management, water and energy in their buildings above and beyond their current efficiency efforts via traditional companies (which in-turn would prevent millions of dollars given to them by the public from being wasted on inefficient general building operations and maintenance while simultaneously enabling them to save thousands of lives under Neutopia’s unique program).
Neutopia has already attracted international interest with their $1 million Green Community & Social Impact Scholarship Program, and has signed exclusive development rights for various cleantech projects across Canada and the United States, including an innovative partnership agreement to retrofit 250 buildings across Canada with utility cost reduction technologies and also to develop food waste conversion and up-cycling projects in Toronto and New York.
In the words of Neutopia’s CEO, Robert Laporte, “No other company comes close to matching the social impact Neutopia can have in a community.”
“The innovative Green Development and Social Impact pay-it-forward business model is a blueprint on how to change the world in the fastest and least expensive way possible. We didn’t see the Occupy Wall Street protests as a solution; sure it raises awareness on the importance of the redistribution of wealth and that’s a start, but it’s not the solution in itself. And we didn’t think starting a charity and begging people for money was a viable answer either, neither is lobbying governments or the big energy companies to devote more to climate change because they’ve heard enough complaints and we’ve waited long enough for action. Instead, we decided to create a new way. A completely new business model. And I knew there was only one way to do it. I knew the traditionalists needed a serious wake-up call and it would take something absolutely revolutionary…
Unprecedented Business Feasibility Study
“I quit my job in 2008 and traveled 80,000 km across North America in an effort to conduct an unprecedented business feasibility study. The goal was to interview community leaders, land owners and business executives to find out what the most common problems and obstacles were, what technology solutions solve them, and to test the business model. I presented to Town Councils, Municipal Public Works departments, and held free educational seminars from coast to coast in Canada and the United States. When money was tight I slept in my rental car behind hotels or in farmers fields, and I ate things that would make some people sick, but I had a vision. You need to become the change you want to see, right? That’s how paradigm shifts happen. Soon the old way dies off and the new way has a following.
We are now recruiting Neutopia Ambassadors around the world to help with our 10-minute Community ecoPARK and Green Building Efficiency SOS Program. We’re training reps on Skype and arming them with the tools and blueprint. We have an international network of technology solutions united into one company, and our only obstacles are complacency and corruption among community leaders and property managers. If the people are educated about what others are doing around the world and what is possible, then they can demand change in their own communities and buildings and we’re going to win this damn war, but we need to mobilize students and like-minded community members who want this change to happen NOW. We need an effort with a force such as in times of war if we expect to see dramatic results.
“Neutopia is now transitioning from working on laptops in coffee shops to inspiring a global tribe on the internet, uniting a Neutopia army like sleeper cells on every continent with unlimited funding from forward-thinking investors and the passion of like-minded people. And the amazing thing is that even at-risk youth who were destined for a life of crime and people living in despair in third world countries can find a new way of life with Neutopia; getting paid to make the world a better place.
“I’m living my dream; I knew I couldn’t sit in a cubicle and look at a screensaver of a beach or mountains, knowing they are slowly being destroyed…or let pictures of diseased and suffering people make me sad. I sharpened those tears into a solution to cut through the government and corporate ignorance and we are going to educate our leaders and they can either watch us or they can join us…but they definitely cannot stop us.”
Neutopia is now training Ambassadors around the world via Skype and identifying development sites for the investment network, lowering the global carbon footprint in the fastest and least expensive way possible while ensuring the redistribution of wealth among society. Robin Hood meets the Internet of Things combined with Environmental and Social Impact.
Indeed, nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.
Click Here: Neutopia $600 Million Retrofitting Canada Community Challenge Oct 2014
Canada’s Social Impact Community Efficiency Company Presents Blueprint to Cut the Canadian Carbon Footprint in the Fastest and Least Expensive Way Possible
-Blanket Approvals for government buildings and portfolios possible if registered before November 1, 2014
What is Neutopia?
The World’s largest Green Development and Social Impact Network of 100’s of world leading eco-solutions and Social Impact investors whose mandate is to lower the world’s carbon footprint in the fastest way possible. Their efficiency plans lower total energy costs, conserve water, embrace on-site recycling, minimize waste costs, establish cogeneration & renewable energy with smart-grids, the game-changing Social Impact business model identifies over-spending in communities and individual buildings, provides the technology to recover that lost revenue, and then re-invests 100% of their own profits into Global Empowerment.
Click this link to check out our UPDATED Projects 2023!
Smartest Neighbourhood in Canada
One of our greatest accomplishments was in beating Google; they’ve been talking about developing a Smart Community at the Toronto Waterfront for over 2 years and we got tired of listening to all the politics behind it so we secretly went ahead and developed a smart community project north of Toronto. We held an international RFQ with literally hundreds of technologies evaluated, and we finally selected 12 engineering firms and 5 electrical companies to participate, and the clients didn’t have to spend a penny for over $1 million in turn-key installations thanks to the Neutopia eco-Investment Network.
What did we do? The entire neighbourhood is ‘connected’ to a new Smart Hybrid Micro-Grid with automatic switching systems and full autonomy (they were completely off-grid all winter but can easily switch back and forth if ever needed). It includes all kinds of clean energy systems from energy generation, distribution, and storage, to recycling, up-cycling, monitoring, even self-correcting and is fully automatic – not a single employee is needed to control anything! Moreover, from site security, to the general store, to the community centre, to each residence –everything can be monitored from the central command centre or even via a Smart Phone. This super-high level of technology enabled us to uncover discrepancy’s between energy usage and their electricity bills; what a powerful feeling it is to have 10,000’s of data points to challenge your utility company on any mistakes you find!
Once we flipped the switch at the Smart Neighbourhood Master Control Center we cut the entire electricity bill by over 50% for all properties. We also cut waste management costs, water, and even have security connected to smart phone. Phase II includes poo power, which you probably don’t need much description to understand; the system will be connected to the Smart Grid and is able to convert human waste and all food waste into usable energy. This will immediately reduce propane and electricity costs, and of course waste disposal fees.
NO DATA or PRIVACY CONCERNS – everything is owned and stays with the property owners. They can sell it to advertising agencies if they want, like Google does, but if they do then they will get all the profit. It’s a very strange idea that any community leaders (especially Toronto) would even consider allowing a foreign company take ownership of any data of our citizens, why not OWN it and if you want to sell it then collect 100% of the profit and donate it to the Sick Kids hospital or do something creative for your own people? That whole project is a giant question mark about “Intent”…or simply a lack of understanding…or perhaps collusion and mis-management…which we’ve seen enough of all over Ontario (and it’s not illegal, just ask any property management company!).
Neutopia Eco-Development on Private Properties
Neutopia’s eco-Development Projects go above and beyond simply ‘saving’ on electricity costs for a current business or home; it takes into consideration the long-term sustainability of the property by diversifying revenue streams. By combining Neutopia’s expertise in various sustainability initiatives it enables us to introduce new ways to grow and market the business in order to significantly increase its profitability.
For all clients we are looking at bringing in various eco-Solutions to help the current operations go as much off-grid as possible, so it makes sense to look at the long-term vision of any property: What does the property owner want, and what is possible according to local laws and regulations, zoning, even the type of land and soil itself. This is exactly why it’s so important for any company to NOT focus on selling any one product or solution and instead work with what you have as a canvas / property, in order to customize a solution to what is possible; environmentally, technologically and financially.
We realized many property owners never harnessed their whole property to its full potential, so we came up with the idea of eco-rental sites as an attractive way to increase revenue. The problem that so many fail to realize is that you can’t simply renovate a basement or bedroom or invest in building a small apartment as a rental unit – you need to create a site of Wonder and Awe, a place of beauty that people will be willing to pay $250 or $350 per night to travel to and experience new memories that will excite their friends and/or keep them coming back for more. The idea is to create a place that harnesses the natural environment for all energy, water, waste…closed-loop sustainable living. A place embedded in nature, even creating new natural places like “Fountains of Wonder”; a park of meditation and relaxation, a greenhouse not just for vegetables, but a place that attracts birds and butterflies, with picnic area, a place people will travel to go and see, with art, poetry, or simply a place of reflection. All this will add to the marketability and secure a recurring supplementary income for years to come!
Who can do this?
This could be on a farm, next to an existing home in a rural area, or even a home in a bustling community. Neutopia is super creative and has no shortage of ideas on what can be done with any type of property. What we develop will depend on many variables, so the goal in Phase I is to start small and scale up with what we have to work with, and then coordinate with our international network of technology manufacturers and development specialists to start filtering out what is technological and economically feasible from what is not possible. This process includes component selecting and sizing and cost analysis, so there is NEVER any one solution for any property. Instead of trying to sell one idea, Neutopia creates a series of options for the landowner to consider.
Again, this depends on many factors and we must take into consideration the local land development rules and regulations to know how big we can go, but we can always stay small.
Our mini-ecoPark and ERS programs create a much greater business opportunity for all sites than would simply be provided by installing an “energy saving solution” solely to save on current electricity or propane expenses in a ‘life as usual’ scenario. We come up with a variety of options, and each option will have its Cost, Savings, Income Opportunity, Return on Investment, NPV, anything and everything a seasoned CFO or Accountant would want in order to make a sound business decision.
This is not just about ordering a new kitchen or renovating a bathroom; this is an important family decision about investing in your future, creating new income, and we like to think of it as helping people to remember their dreams that may have been pushed aside due to any of life’s many twists and turns, or to give them new ideas on a potential new future that they didn’t even realize was possible – so they can live a more fulfilling life…to bring purpose to their life. Neutopia goes far and above just being a Sustainability company -that’s something our past clients will happily share with new clients; we truly are unique in so many ways.
We help people to dream, but we have the technology and investment network to actually bring the ideas to life. We aren’t talkers, we are doers. Just look at our massive website. All of this is what makes Neutopia so special. It completely changes the dynamics of the business plan opportunity and immediately reduces the risk of investment. Of course, just doing Phase I doesn’t even legally bind anybody into moving forward with subsequent phases. We do it in phases because we appreciate that these are big decisions and we want our clients to feel 100% comfortable and see how each phase works out. And, we are happy to go slow and do a lot of hand-holding along the way.
The most important part is taking the first step, and that can be explained over a phone call and looking at our website, but we always want to meet in-person and show even more stuff than what is on our public website. We have a wealth of confidential corporate information, our secret-sauce, and tons of pictures to show happy clients and past projects.
What gets everyone excited right off the bat is that we can custom design a solution for any property, and that always starts with a small/ mini eco-Park project for existing buildings and starting with a few small eco-Vacation sites. We will include a bunch of options, but just knowing that at least a small project is possible and fits every type of land no matter if it’s in a rural area, a farm, a remote First Nations community, in the heart of the city, or on a deserted island. We just need to know what we have to work with and we can start scaling up from our mini scale according to the needs of each additional new structure.
24/7 Smart Monitoring
System(s) can include ERS Smart Monitoring. Such systems provide you with online access at any time (24/7) to monitor all quadrants of your electrical, water, waste, thermal, security, even vacancy / occupied notices.
The ERS Monitoring System will measure the systems 24/7/365. (ERS systems can also be turned on or off anytime to go back to ‘business as usual’ and bypass the ERS system altogether.) This adds an assurance that ‘the grid is always there as a back-up if needed’. The solutions are designed with a built-in redundancy and safety features to eliminate any possibility of a system failure having any impact on your business.
Furthermore, having a measuring system connected to computer monitoring software keeps track of every detail and makes it easy to measure and quantify the exact energy so there is never any guessing how much a business is consuming and seeing the exact savings.
Neutopia manages the full turn-key installation of ERS Solutions and works with the business owner to ensure little to no interruption to business during the implementation.
ecoFinancing Option
Since we only focus on proven technologies by leading brand manufacturers we were able to create an eco-Investment Network eager to invest/lend/finance in these types of projects. Multiple quotes will be prepared upon submission of the eco-financing application form. You get to choose which terms and payback option best suits your budget. You can opt to keep some of your savings and use the rest to pay off the system over the coming years. We are very flexible for a wide variety of client types and financial histories.
***We are proud to have helped fund some historical projects and we will be making a documentary one of these days! We want to share our success with new clients and new Ambassadors that we train all over the world. We have big ideas and big plans, and a blueprint to bring it all to fruition.
Feasibility Studies are Over – Education & Implementation is Happening Now
An unprecedented study was conducted (over 500,000 km traveled) to confirm our calculations and savings opportunities across a wide variety of client types including office buildings, warehouses, apartments, hotels, industrial sites, and even farms which we all know NEED to increase their bottom line and benefit from energy conservation initiatives.
Forget about “High Efficiency” – we’re already light-years ahead of the Curve!
Neutopia has been preparing a massive marketing campaign and business expansion that will including the training of 10,000 reps (including a program for people with special needs) across Canada and will be holding training sessions in major cities across the country.
We invited 1,500 mayors and city councillors and all members of parliament to notify their business associations and all business owners, small and large, that we figured out how to cut the bills 20% to 50% for all businesses without changing out any existing equipment. We tracked all emails, collected data on who opened them, who was informed, who did nothing, and who wanted to participate. We are now working directly with private business owners (we are not opposed to anything the utility companies are doing, we just created an easier and faster way for people to save). We will be showcasing these community leaders at our Neutopia Day being planned at the Toronto Convention Centre, along with special guests and key speakers who will share their stories of how Neutopia came to their rescue!
Neutopia trained 100’s of representatives from Canada’s forestry industry at 2 major forestry conferences (even sharing the stage with a provincial Hydro Company) to explain various opportunities all over the country, and we demonstrated how our ERS Solutions can cut electricity bills at forestry operations by over 50%. This can help so many companies.
Neutopia conducted our first farm study to determine how integrating our ERS Solution can immediately cut the utility costs of the farm; the results were a whopping 24%. With ERS we can even include optional solar panels, wind, and biogas systems (any on-site generation) with a significantly faster payback (while eliminating the need for added inverters) and by increasing the productivity and reducing the wasted energy all measured and guaranteed well in advance of installation. Our predictive analytics surpass anything else we’ve seen.
Grocery Stores
Neutopia has received many requests from some of the largest Grocery Store chains in the country. We’ve met with many franchise owners who have all asked for help. Unfortunately, repeated requests for participation got stopped at the head office of the company that owns the chains, for reasons that seem obvious but for which we’ll turn our heads to focus on other more positive things; like being recruited by our first independently owned and managed Grocery Store! Our preliminary estimates are showing a greater than 50% cut off the total electricity bill is possible. When we complete the project we don’t think anybody will be able to stop that news from reaching the major newspapers, and finally many companies head offices could be investigated for having prevented energy savings. At least we can help the independent owners who pay their own bills and manage their own buildings.
Apartment Complexes
Neutopia is the company behind the world’s smartest Apartment Complex, located in Mississauga, Ontario. Installed in 2017, the ERS solution included huge cuts to operating costs, and the whole package came complete with complete building monitoring technology.
The Property Managers are able to see every second of energy use in real time. No more cheesy annual or monthly graphs with useless information provided by the utility companies; now the PM’s get to see every detail imaginable in real time; when a light-switch is turned on, a fan, pump, motor, even seeing a leak and fixing it before an emergency. All without installing expensive sensors all over the building – and no crazy monthly service fees…those days are over now that true ERS Efficiency Repurposing Solutions are here.
What’s more – we connect their property to their smart phones and even send a text message or alert when something happens that requires immediate attention. Complete and total building management now in the palm of their hand. Now imagine…if only our Community Leaders would wake up and adopt this for our schools, hospitals, long-term care facilities, all government buildings, even water treatment plants, landfills, airports, police cruisers…the list is endless. You could even have a loved one’s health monitor connected to your own cell!
Neutopia HOME ERS Solution – Savings are Guaranteed with 20 year warranty
Studies conducted in the 1950’s through to the 1980’s revealed that most electricity-savings technologies were too expensive and/or did not apply for residential implementation. We’ve done studies that prove this to be incorrect; we achieved savings as high as 57% measured 24/7 and realized in the monthly bills! We have now installed in retail, commercial, and homes with immediate savings. All small business owners can benefit immediately!
Neutopia and Indigenous People’s
Neutopia is already working with First Nations communities and has also met with representatives of The Métis Nation of Ontario regarding a province-wide Neutopia Ambassador Training Program. Neutopia has the exclusive program rights worldwide.
WARNING: Hard Truth – Scientific Facts VS Media – This is scary stuff so don’t expect the drama and sensationalism you see in the news. This is not for children, but it ABSOLUTELY has information that you MUST share with your children in your own time, in your own words.
Welcome to the First Coronavirus-Specific Preparedness Program for Communities and Essential Service Providers.
We created a program to customize a community or business pandemic protocol specific to your exact needs, since not every community requires the same equipment, training, or even funding.
Do you know what is still coming but the media doesn’t talk about at all (yet)?
—Most people still don’t even know what this is, but we can help.
We Challenge what the Government and Media are Telling You
Why? Because we have experience and knowledge about this virus that they are NOT telling you. We are independent scientists helping people cope with the pandemic and in understanding the virus. We vehemently oppose several of the government-issued directives because we believe that you are NOT being told the whole truth about the Pandemic… and perhaps that is a sign that the government is not properly informed either (it’s been known to happen). So we are coming to help all people, especially Government Leaders and Essential Workers with A Unique Community Pandemic Program:
“A Shocking Second Opinion for a Shift in Thinking – An Eye-Opening Presentation into What this Is, What’s Actually Happening, and What Everyone Everywhere Should Be Doing RIGHT NOW.”
EVERYONE in your community should have one of these on-hand at all times.
It does NOT agree with some of the current Advice and formal Gov Directives -especially for Healthcare, Long-Term Care Facilities, and Front-Line Wokers in harms way (grocery, trucking, food delivery, and other essential services)- so we are offering support backed with hard scientific reasoning.
CLICK HERE to download Covid-19 Community Guidebook intro pages
Please read and share this with everyone you know – you might just save a life.
Note: The author did a similar thing after the 9/11 terrorist attacks (regarding Government Protocol and Emergency Response) and was soon recruited to turn it into a 2-hour TV special.
Everyone of all ages and backgrounds can participate.
Scroll to bottom to register for training.
NEUTOPIA has launched an Exclusive Pandemic Preparedness Program. Invitations were sent to 100’s of municipal leaders and private business owners, including healthcare facilities across Canada. We are ready to help any Community or individual Business to protect against the spread of SARS-CoV-2, which causes Covid-19 — a disease of long-term organ and central nervous system damage (sometimes acute and fatal), whose symptoms can include diarrhea and headaches or, in immuno-compromised individuals, a runny nose, coughing, and shortness of breath which can lead to pneumonia and ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome).
Starting in January 2020 we urgently started reaching out to our global manufacturing alliances to explain the unique background of Robert Laporte, founder of Neutopia, who has spent the past 30 years preparing for a Pandemic such as this (*refer to bio at end of this doc).
Neutopia is a massive international network of world-leading manufacturing companies and technology providers. With news coming out of China in December 2019 that people were being admitted to hospitals with a strange pneumonia it was obvious that a global pandemic was looming and that supplies and training would be of utmost importance.
Without haste we immediately went into Pandemic-defence mode and pivoted the company to go back to our roots and focus on Pandemic Preparedness, while still trying to meet the needs of our existing clients. The goal was to immediately establish connections for procurement of key equipment and solutions to help protect against the spread of this virus – which is similar to HIV in that it infects our immune system, but may have even greater virulence as it has multiple infection routes, is also airborne, and causes greater organ damage due to multiple simultaneous infectious mechanisms. What’s worse, most people who are infected show no symptoms at all.Victims are having their blood vessels destroyed along with their intestines, organs such as liver, spleen, and kidneys, and even certain cells of their immune systems and central nervous systems. Infections can go totally un-noticed so it’s actually the 80% without symptoms who could be the ones spreading the disease.
It is in essence our greatest disease nightmare come true.
In fact, this Pandemic can be compared to how HIV was able to go so rampant in the 80’s without people realizing they’re infected. There’s no conspiracy theories about how pathogenic the virus is, millions of scientists and all the major medical journals are reporting it, it’s the general media and government who are not talking about it for reasons we believe are rooted in the pandemic protocols. From my personal training in the Military and Public Health Response to bio-terrorism it’s my belief that the government and general media are not reporting the full picture to the general public because they do not want to cause panic…until they have no choice due to leaks or at least until they have the necessary equipment and military in place and are ready to manage any public back-lash (protests, riots etc.).
Notwithstanding, we reached out to some Hospital and and Long-term care homes and School boards and Unions, offering our support to provide free training, and even to sell personal protective equipment and building / facility technologies. We left messages with administration and got to speak with some employees but there has been no action. We understand they are in panic mode and don’t know what to do, so all they can do is continue to listen to the government and continue to make the same mistakes, allowing dozens to die by the day.
It’s a historical tragedy unfolding before our eyes.
We are here ready to take orders and can help healthcare workers, first responders, police, fire, ambulance etc. and even the unspoken front-line heroes such as grocery store clerks and transport officials, and all the teachers and funeral home operators who put their lives at risk every day. Sadly, they are being called back to work because they don’t understand the science, and our leaders are refusing to speak about the pathology and long-term outlook.
Who are we to provide help?
Unique Bio of Robert Laporte, founder of Neutopia ecoSolutions Inc.
With a lifetime focus revolving around global emergency disease such as we are experiencing with this Pandemic, Robert has a formal education in Cellular and Molecular biology, combined with training in both the Military and Public Health Response to Biological Terrorism. This experience may exceed the needs of what is required with the pandemic, but there’s so much help that is needed at all levels.
Neutopia is actually a company that is based on a book Robert was writing on how to protect the world from natural or human-caused pandemics. The book, called “Neutopia”, revolved around a team of students who connect via the Internet and start sharing ideas on how their community solved certain problems using technologies that are common in their country, but which aren’t well-known around the world. Each team member contributes knowledge and training and quickly set up an international supply chain to solve world problems.
Sounds like an interesting book, but after writing over 1,000 pages over many years Robert had what many may refer to as an ‘epiphany’ one night, and so instead of completing the book he was compelled to quit his job at the firm and start the company that he was writing about; the global solutions company that would be Neutopia. The next day he handed in his resignation along with keys to the fancy company car and the credit card to his $10,000 per month expense account. It was a lucrative career but he was following his gut-feeling, and never looked back. There’s a lot of philosophical reasoning behind making a jump to become an entrepreneur but there were just too many coincidences in his life that he felt in his soul that this was his calling. Robert has since traveled over 500,000 km around the world meeting with tech companies, government officials, presenting at international conferences, even being a special guest speaker at various colleges and universities.
Prior to founding Neutopia he has worked in high-security laboratories (at the prestigious Armand-Frappier Institute in Quebec) working on Nucleotide Vaccines, and almost a decade in the field of clinical trials with one of Canada’s largest Bio-Pharma companies where he gained experience in everything from Histology, Pathology, QA, ClinTrials design and delivery. A quick 2-year stint in Biotech import/export business helped gain experience in international business development. It’s almost uncanny how every job and every life decision was grooming him for this exact time in history.
In 1999 he had special training on anti-terrorism in defence and protection against Biological, Chemical, and Radiological Weapons in both the Military and the Public Health response. With training from top scientists at USAMRIID (US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention) and FDA it was an eye-opening experience to the vast polarity between what the government knows and what the media is allowed to share with the general public during Pandemic protocols.
A few years later the 9/11 terrorist attacks happened and Robert immediately offered his services at the Montreal military defence recruitment centre. They said Bio-terrorism was not a problem of theirs and that he had to go to Health Canada. He tried desperately to help Health Canada but they said it was a problem of the Military. That’s when Robert realized that there is a life-threatening lack of coordination between government offices and it’s one of national security. A proper training program was needed. Not just on what can cause a Pandemic, but just as importantly WHY and HOW, since it has a basis in socio-economic affairs, international policy, terrorism, and an understanding of basic medical history.
Robert decided to take matters into his own hands, and designed an educational seminar series on preparing communities for Pandemics with a focus on preparing against genetically engineered viruses – aka biological terrorism. Robert sent out invitations to hundreds of offices and attracted a plethora of interest from everywhere. He was filling auditoriums training first responders and health care workers, emergency personnel, police, fire, ambulance, even members of CSIS etc. and was soon approached by CBC to convert this unique training program into a special 2-hour Documentary. Robert agreed and it aired across Canada back in 2003 (we are now trying to get CBC to re-release it and make it available freely over Youtube since it is more relevant today than ever before).
Fast forward almost 20 years later and Robert is heading a company with a massive international solutions network capable of helping any community and any type of building at any GPS coordinate on the planet. It’s a perfect match for what every community needs.
We can customize a solution for every type of property, every type of business. We posted a new page on our website with an Open Letter to all Government and Community Leaders, and Owners & Employees of Essential Businesses to explain that we vehemently disagree with the Media and even some of the formal Government of Canada Directives issued to provide guidance and protection against Covid-19 because we have the hard scientific evidence to support our claims and we have life-saving advice.
We have been working hard to help reach those who need it most. For example, Robert has already spoken with various community leaders and health committee advisors to help share our wisdom, advice, and our unique program to immediately reach 100,000’s healthcare workers across the province, and which will hopefully lead to adoption across Canada.
“We have the knowledge and the technological solutions
to protect and save countless lives. In fact, you could say
we’ve been preparing our whole lives for this.”
Emergency Info Session for Everyone in Your Community
When: Saturday April 18 (Or simply call to book a private date!)
Time: 2:00 pm – 2:30pm
Where: Home Sweet Home (it’s online / your couch)
- What Everyone NEEDS to know and NEEDS to do immediately
- What all Emergency Services and Essential Businesses NEED to do if staying open, especially if you have employees whose health is at risk – this is your duty
- How to convert Long-term Care Facilities, Retirement Homes, Hotels, Apartments, and Community Housing into Pandemic Safety Zones
- *Unique Opportunity for Campsites and RV Parks
Click Here to Register for Free Online Training:
(Or call 647-389-1674 to book a private date)
Introduction to Covid-19 Pandemic Program
Contact us to learn about our ERS Program cutting electricity bills 20% to 50% Everywhere!
Click Here to Register for Free Online Training:
Introduction to Covid-19 Pandemic Program
The link will take you to the Online Registration form at Eventbrite. It will look like this below:
“The “Go-to” booklet for Covid-19
– A community leader and public awareness session.
Register ONLINE Eventbrite Form
WARNING: Hard Truth – Scientific Facts VS Media – This is scary stuff so don’t expect the drama and sensationalism you see in the news. This is not for children, but it ABSOLUTELY has information that you MUST share with your children in your own time, in your own words.
Welcome to the First Coronavirus-Specific Preparedness Program for Communities and Essential Service Providers.
We created a program to customize a community or business pandemic protocol specific to your exact needs, since not every community requires the same equipment, training, or even funding.
EVERYONE in your community should have one of these on-hand at all times.
Do you know what is still coming but the media doesn’t talk about at all (yet)?
—Most people still don’t even know what this is, but we can help.
Free Online Training, Register at Eventbrite: Click Here
When: Saturday April 18th
Time: 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Email if you would like to schedule a private training for your Community or Business
- Open Letter to all Community Leaders and the General Public – The 2003 Documentary that was Supposed to have prepared Canada for this
- WARNING about the reality of this virus
- Science VS the Media
- The URGENT NEED for our Covid-19 Guidebook and our unique Neutopia Covid-19 Toolbox that helps Communities and Essential Businesses of all sizes
- A Quick History of Neutopia – Who/What/Why/How
- Key Strategies for Community Officials and Business Owners
- Technology and Solutions Readily Available
- JOBS JOBS JOBS – How people can unite and work from home in special teams to help fight the Pandemic
- What everyone needs to know, right now, without further delay
- Healthcare workers, emergency first responders, front-line workers
- What every home and every business needs to do immediately
The Details
- Separating Fact from Fiction
- Infection routes (STOP TALKING ABOUT those 3M PM2.5 MASKS!)
- What this virus really does to you (it’s NOT pneumonia you need to worry about!)
Community Readiness – Starts with Education: History, Present Solutions, Future Preparedness
- How to Protect Your Business
- How to Protect You and Your Family
- How to deal with the Infected
- How to deal with the Fear
- How to deal with the Dead
Technology & Solutions
- Health Testing, Treatment, Hospitalization, Home-care, and Continued Monitoring – how do we know who is infected and not obeying the rules? (We’ll cover everything from Medical Help to Personal Protection, Policing, Privacy, and Data Collection)
- Food Supply and Safety – what happens when we run out of food? (Be prepared)
- Energy – what is going to happen when the grid goes down? (North American grids are in bad shape, a Historical Blunder, but we have simple solutions for that at No out-of-pocket expense)
- Water – is my drinking water safe? (Depends where you are)
- Air – is the air safe to breathe? (NO!!)
- Waste – is the garbage safe to handle? (NO!!)
- Transport – are the buses safe? Subways? Planes, Trains etc.? (NO!!)
The New Pandemic Lifestyle
- Things you may not even realize about this Virus and what the coming years will bring (changes, both personal, business, community, and even the COST)
- Learn about what we’re doing in the Food Industry
- Cleaning Solutions – From Homes to Streets and Parks to Buildings and Transport Industry
- Time Management
- Family Time: Quality Time, Education, Cooking, Chores, Entertainment & Games
- Helpful Tips, “Macgyver-isms”
- Panic, Anxiety, and Stress
- Professional Therapist Tips and Helpful Advice
Creating Opportunities for Small Business Across Canada:
Earning $500 -$1,000 per day working from home – Great for Students and Seniors seeking part-time work. Founded in 2008, Neutopia is a unique business that has Developed innovative ways to make money by solving world problems. From Energy and Sustainable Buildings, to Water Conservation, Waste Management, Biofuel, Carbon Reduction programs, and now back to its very roots in Pandemic Preparedness, we have come full circle. We are confident that we are without a doubt one of the most important organizations in the world right now, and one info session will help you understand why.
The Community Plan – For Everyone to Participate
- The Role of the Community Leaders and Municipal Officials
- Owners of All Essential Businesses and their employees
- Extreme EMERGENCY for ALL Hospitals and Long-Term Care Facilities
- All Emergency Personnel, First Responders, and Healthcare Workers
- All Police, Fire, Ambulance – if you aren’t protected YOU will spread the virus
- Property Managers (Community Housing, Retirement Homes, Apartments)
- Prison System Operators – install this now or you’re all sitting ducks
- Grocery, Beer / LCBO, All Shopping Plazas
- City Officials and employees at all Government / Community Buildings
- Food: from Farms & Food Storage to Grocery & Delivery
- Water:Treatment Plants, Community Plumbing, Storage & Delivery Systems
- Energy: Owners/Operators of ALL Electricity, Natural Gas, Propane, Biomass Collection, pre-Dilv Storage, Processing, Generation, Distribution, on-site Storage)
- Waste: Urgent need for ALL Waste Management Officials from Collection to Processing and Recycling and/or Disposal – Life-saving Info -do not delay
Community Programs are now in progress!
Important Message to Community Leaders
As a community leader you may not feel this is your professional priority and you may not understand the technical aspects – but it is important that we at least have your full Attention to read this over the next few minutes because this is happening now in Ontario for all building types, all businesses, and homes – it is not a hope or dream; a solution is here and we are helping people all over the province. Perhaps more importantly, we are saving some companies and people from moving out of Ontario.
Businesses and entire communities can now cut their total cost for electricity as much as 50% via an innovative approach that slashes multiple key areas of how the bills are actually charged.
Neutopia’s Solution is Cutting Hydro Costs as High as 50% in Ontario.
Ontario Electricity Problem Solved: buildings now cutting hydro costs in HALF with ERS systems – unique program offered exclusively through Neutopia! As a leader of your community you can request to participate and have us design your ERS for multiple buildings or streets or entire neighbourhood. Submit your request today! Community ERS programs with Immediate Installations – or get a hybrid technology ecoPark make use of Ontario forests, our natural resources, and embrace energy independence today; Cheaper, more Efficient, and more Reliable than the grid, guaranteed!
New Jobs in Your Community
We have set a goal to train 10,000 people across Canada on a variety of job types for getting the ERS boxes deployed – from simple education and promotions to data entry, internet work, presentations, and even home installations. For the larger commercial and multi-res sector we have formed alliances with multi-national engineering firms backed by billions of dollars; this is a serious endeavour and we’ve crossed all our T’s. Don’t let your community fall behind. Don’t waste another dollar on over-priced energy. This is a solution that every building in every community can benefit from.
A small ERS only takes up 1 square meter of space.
Look what we’re already doing with forward thinking Ontario communities and private companies:
Every day a community waits to do this can cost them over $1,000 per day.
“It takes us 3 hours to determine what the Minimum savings would be for any building at any GPS coordinate on the planet. In Ontario, we’ve proven that the savings will fall somewhere between 20% and 50% off the Total electricity bill.”
(*including Global Adjustment and nasty Delivery charges, this is a TOTAL bill reduction system to cut kWh, Peak Demand, and various sections of each rate section.)
- 1,000’s of Case Studies and Success Stories:
- Clients Wasting Time: Many clients are losing close to $1,000 per day waiting for the government or somebody else to do something to change the Rates, or worse trying to figure things out on their own when the solution is available right here, right now. The RATE’s are NOT the problem; they can be as little as 15% of your actual bill. The rest are charges that a Neutopia ERS can cut in half.
- 20% to 50% Cut in TOTAL Electricity costs: Our Simple 3-Step ERS Process includes a pre-screening which we can do over the phone, and then using the internet. (We’ll train members of your community on this step too, so they can start work right away!)
- Also hear about the top 3 Energy Scams happening in Ontario right now – you might already be being duped! We will show you how to identify and fix it. This is especially important if anybody is considering bringing new electrical lines in your area!
“Don’t fall for somebody who tells you they can do it; if they could do it they would have already done it. Ontario electricity companies and engineers and consultants have had years to help you. We have worked historically hard and traveled the world to find the best eco-solutions; we have earned your business Canada!!
Education is Needed. Training is key.
Having spoken with thousands of community leaders, politicians, business executives, and energy consultants we came to understand the greatest obstacles to implementing these solutions and so a major part of our efforts was to identify or create the solutions to overcome each of those obstacles. The result; the creation of a company called Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. It is a network of more than 100 technology companies, engineering firms, and a unique Social Impact investment network representing unlimited funding worldwide. We are proudly a Canadian company built through historical effort and perseverance through the most difficult times. Our Story is shared in our Community Awareness Seminar entitled “An Awe-Inspiring Journey into the Realm of Sustainable Communities” and leaves everyone in the audience motivated with an Immediate Action Plan. It’s for people of all ages and they love it. This not only stimulates immediate savings on energy costs, it also creates permanent employment in every community.
“Many people we meet say they know about this or know about that and know how to do this or change that etc. The simple truth is that if people knew how to do it then they would be doing it. We can do it and we can employ people in your community to do every building, every street, every neighbourhood. When they’re finished they can do the neighbouring towns…It increases exponentially.
After that they can use our Internet app to do towns in other countries, or they can travel with us – our Neutopia Ambassador Program is the most exciting job on the planet where you get paid to travel, help people, and change the world. Anyone can do it. Any age. Any education level. Any language. Any gender. Any special need. Any religion. Anybody with a smart phone or laptop, working from any location with Internet connection. It just might be the most amazing and exciting career opportunity ever created.”
Next Steps
The first step is to schedule a telephone call to discuss the opportunity to start an ERS Plan in your community that will immediately create permanent jobs. Grants to cover all or partial costs are available. It is ideal for towns who already have an energy plan but have NOT cut their actual Total Electricity bills in half yet: this MUST be done before you size equipment or purchase anything otherwise you could be wasting big money on stuff you don’t need or sizes that are un-necessary. So many communities get caught up writing report after report but no serious action.
Keep in mind that ERS would be complementary to any other efficiency initiative; it does NOT stop what you’re doing – it makes whatever you are doing a lot better.
It takes us 3 hours to pre-screen any property to cut the bills anywhere from 20% to 50% for any building in Ontario. Our goal is to do this for several of your buildings and homes and train local people – to create permanent jobs in your community to continue once we’re gone.
Our program includes 18 months of on-going support. This is not about writing reports; it’s about immediate action. This is something to contemplate at next Council meeting, next dinner with friends, talk at the office. Every water pump station should have this and every manufacturing plant, every farm and every hotel, every convenience store and every office, every apartment and every school, even the hospitals and senior homes etc. Canada lacks the education and technology know-how and this program fixes that.
What Exactly is ERS?
ERS Energy Solution simply stands for Efficiency, Reliability, and Sustainability. We used to joke around calling it the ‘electricity recycling system’ but that was to throw off the competition and distract people snooping around our website to try to steal information on how we’re doing this. The truth is, ERS is not one particular technology (there is no magic box for all) – rather it is a method that eliminates the need for the government to spend $800 billion to create a ‘Smart Grid’ across any province.
‘We’ve ‘cracked the code’ on how to customize a solution for any building, any street, any neighbourhood, at any GPS coordinate on the planet, that will always cut the Total Bill by 20% to 50%, BEFORE even considering changing out any equipment or installing any solar panels or generators or batteries etc. It’s installed in box next to the property, and can be designed to look like it’s part of the surrounding architecture – or even buried underground and covered in grass.’
How did we do it?
We first set out to understand why Ontario’s electricity is so expensive, why the grid is so inefficient, and what technologies would be required to make a smart grid. We had a hunch that you don’t need to actually spend hundreds of billions of dollars to create a national or provincial ‘smart grid’, but can instead focus on creating a ‘smart building’.
Sure there’s all kinds of technologies and smart building automation systems to have inside the building, but our focus was on the outside; we wanted to create a solution that connects between the grid and the building, in the building, or beside the building. Most people just see power plants, wires, and transformers but there’s a lot of technology on the grid and at specific junctions and nodes. We investigated, we interviewed literally 100’s of technology manufacturers, we traveled over 350,000 km around the world meeting with utility companies, community officials, business executives, engineers, and investment groups.
Over the past several years we created a truly innovative solution that combines a variety of weapons to cut different sections of the electricity bills, including technologies and services. Our ERS Platform enables us to custom design the specific configuration of components that any smart grid could have for a given area, but instead have it all put into a box next to any building specific for that building. A new electrical system, still connected to the provincial grid, but which can operate in parallel or completely independent (we are doing some micro-grid projects where some of the components will be 100% completely off-grid).
‘In some cases there will be no moving parts at all and just sit there for 40 years with little to no maintenance like a transformer, while in other cases there may be 1 moving part and require servicing every year and half, or have several moving parts and require dedicated maintenance intervals. Each building is unique.’
We’ve completed years of studies having installed sophisticated electricity measuring and monitoring equipment in hospitals, senior homes, apartment complexes, farms, and many manufacturing facilities. Our confidential corporate presentation will amaze you. We know our website is weak, but you will be convinced when we meet in-person and share stuff with you that we do NOT publish on the internet for our competitors to access.
We realized that 100% of all buildings we did these measurements at can all cut their electricity bill by 20% to 50%. All with a custom designed ERS box installed right outside without changing out any light-bulbs or equipment in the building, and not asking a business to modify behaviour like the common provincial Peak Demand Reduction and load shifting programs need in order to provide some relief to the grid during peak times. Those programs cost a horrendous fortune to our rate-payers and there is a much better way. A much less expensive way, and it’s a way that will benefit the property owner far greater than any other alternatives that we are seeing deployed all over Ontario. Those people will wish they could cancel their contracts. We’ve already been receiving calls from people who want to cancel contracts with other companies. Energy is a serious business, it is highly competitive, and when people have been complaining for over a decade about escalating costs that’s when they start to get desperate. For this reason, we created an educational component that includes stellar references so our clients can conduct thorough due diligence before agreeing to work with us.
Get Started Today!
Business owners can start having these designed immediately for individual buildings, and community leaders can hire a Neutopia ERS team on short-term contract work to do government buildings, a whole street, or have a system created for an entire neighbourhood. We provide multiple quotes from multiple manufacturers for different configurations and a range of options for each building is presented. It’s important to understand that no two buildings will ever require exactly the same configuration of technologies, even if they are part of the same franchise and look the same on the outside. Like two twins they can look the same on the outside but have completely different metabolisms.
Anyone can do it now, rather than wait for a retrofit of our entire grid. The result is a whopping cost reduction off the total electricity bill by as high as 50% (in Ontario).
People Need to be Accountable; this is now possible and everyone should be doing it
Anyone who complains about high electricity costs should read this message: don’t let anyone lead you to believe it is an impossible problem that nobody can solve because those people are just not trained so they prefer to blame the government rather than hear that a solution does exist and it is cutting electricity costs by as much as 50%. This is here, now, and it is now being deployed to solve the problem and you can get help whether for individual buildings or whole streets, or entire neighbourhoods.
We are saving companies from having to move out of the province.
We are saving seniors who had trouble paying their bills.
We are helping large multi-national corporations and we are helping the struggling convenience store owner.
New and exciting jobs are being created.
Don’t let your community fall behind.
There is NO magic box solution that solves everybody’s problem but there is a solution to cut everyone’s electricity costs by 20% to 50%, measured and monitored 24/7. People are lazy. They want a magic box, but this is NOT about a particular product from any one manufacturer; it’s about how to custom design and fix a series of problems that will tackle multiple charges on each electricity bill, because it’s a specific combination of solutions for each address that is needed and no two buildings will require exactly the same solution. We can custom design the exact solution in 3 hours for any building, any street, any neighbourhood, at any GPS Coordinate on the planet. And now we launched a program to create 10,000 new jobs across Canada, starting right here in Ontario. Communities will immediately save big on their own electricity costs while also creating permanent employment. It’s a win-win-win for our communities, for economic development, and for our environment. Visit our website, and attend a Neutopia ERS Training day in your community.
Communities Continue with Same Mistakes
ERS boxes can be custom-designed and installed on buildings simultaneously while communities across Ontario continue to measure and monitor GHG’s and continue to write report after report with slow progress. By installing ERS systems today, they will save $1,000’s or $10,000’s per day or per week. One community near Toronto was over-spending on electricity by $20,000 per week and we presented this at their Town Hall after requesting a meeting but the actual decision-makers didn’t attend. Consultants and an ‘energy manager’ attended, but they were not trained in ERS technologies and did not know that this was possible. That’s over $1 million per year in wasted tax-payers dollars on a problem that has an easy solution.
One of the leading obstacles is simply lack of training and this is a major problem in Canada right now so we solved it by creating this unique program. Communities NEED to understand that they should NOT be fooled into assuming you need to do study after study paying out $10,000’s or $100,000’s of tax-payers money reinventing the wheel or focusing on long drawn out retrofit programs and essentially delaying an immediate 50% reduction in Total Electricity costs easily available right now.
- This is happening now; it’s not a study or a plan for somebody else to measure or design or implement in the future.
- It’s not waiting for some new government policy.
- It’s not waiting for electricity prices to get worse.
- It’s people who are ready for change, who are learning and becoming empowered, and simply deciding to take responsibility for their own needs.
Look what we’re already doing with forward thinking Ontario communities and private companies:
Community eco-PARK Projects- the greatest Solution for a Sustainable Planet
“Corruption, Collusion, and Mis-Management of Electricity Across Ontario”
– What it means for every business owner and home owner province-wide
The problem is NOT the government or energy grid managers as many of the people we meet with are quick to blame; the problem is leadership and the project managers and consultants who are driving the solutions industry, those people who are supposed to be helping people save on costs (energy managers, plant / facility / property managers, boards of directors, consultants, un-trained so-called ‘energy experts’). Don’t blame politics or science, you need to look at your own community. YOU have the power and most people don’t even realize it, because they don’t even realize the problem. Education is key, the solutions are available. We are cutting people’s hydro bills in half, and it’s a new process that uses old technology. You simply need to know how to measure and design what’s needed for every building, for every community. So we created a program to do just that!
And we have unlimited funding to support it: Neutopia’s network will fund our costs and it has NO impact on anything else you could be doing (so nobody needs to worry that we’re taking away any of their own work, this is all completely unique and stand-alone)
We invited over 1500 politicians, mayors, councillors, city officials, and every member of parliament across Ontario to learn about the study and the immediate impact it can have in their communities. Over 400,000 km traveled around the world; it may be the most aggressive and comprehensive study for climate change solutions and energy cost savings ever completed.
We are now stimulating community leaders, property management companies, utility companies, engineering firms, energy consultants, business owners, and home owners to learn about our innovative study and our ERS Program to immediately cut the electricity costs in Ontario. The Neutopia ERS solution is now available and it can benefit everyone from the Generators to the Distributors and down to the Consumers. Savings of 20% to 50% are possible without changing any light-bulbs and without replacing any equipment for so-called “higher efficiency” models.
Additional Info
Neutopia, founded in 2008, is the company behind more than $30 million in clean energy initiatives in Ontario. It was in doing those projects and being exposed to mass corruption and collusion that they decided to conduct a massive 4 year study covering businesses all over Ontario (hospitals, senior homes, refrigeration plants, grocery stores, farms, apartments, office buildings, all kinds of manufacturing facilities) that resulted in shocking findings about how businesses are being duped or misled or simply not even understanding that alternative methods are possible…and why we believe they have been focused in the wrong areas to save on electricity bills (we call it a giant blunder to focus on changing lights to LED and replacing equipment for “higher efficiency” models). We are now reaching out to CFO’s and business owners and community leaders to ensure they understand the leading causes of the internal problems rampant in their particular region of Ontario, and the immediate need to inform their owner/operators so they can make the urgent changes to save them from future requirement to look back on past expenses, which could cost the corporation that manages them as a whole (it could literally be in the millions of dollars for many companies that have multiple locations).
We have been presenting lectures about this all over the world. Our confidential presentation will shock you, and excite you if you are involved at all with operating costs because we proved that every business (and home) in Ontario can cut the electricity bills 20% to 50% without changing a single light-bulb or replacing any equipment with so-called “higher efficiency” models. This study resulted in the creation of a new program to REPLACE or ENHANCE any other existing energy program. This is NOT about a particular product or equipment to save on electricity costs; it’s about a study and what the results of the study mean for business owners.
More About Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc.
Current Projects and Success Stories
Neutopia’s Green Development Network (“Neutopia” or the “Company”) is a corporation established under the laws of Ontario that provides turn-key solutions for the sale, installation, and management of Energy Efficiency and Renewable or Clean Fuel technologies. Neutopia is the inventor of the ERS Community Program which combines ecoPark Development with a proprietary Smart City program, and is the sole end‐to‐end ERS solution provider in the world and is now training engineering firms and installation teams on how to incorporate our program into their own projects.
Please also check out our massive website full of examples of current projects and case studies – our ERS Program has zero competition.
Current Project and Case Studies
What is an ecoPark?
Letter from the President
Main website
Feasibility Studies are Over – Education & Implementation is Happening Now
A multitude of studies were conducted over the past few years to confirm our calculations and savings opportunities across a wide variety of client types including homes, apartments, hotels, senior homes, hospitals, shelters, office buildings, warehouses, industrial sites, and farms which we all know NEED to increase their bottom line and benefit from energy conservation initiatives.
Government and Utility Co. Rebates and Incentive Programs
Neutopia became an authorized representative of the provincial hydro rebate program back in 2013, and has alliances with key groups and site auditors all part of Neutopia’s Project Development Network. Much of what we do qualifies for a variety of grants and incentives. We can handle all the paperwork and applications if your office would prefer to focus their time on other more urgent needs. We are formally trained and fully capable. In fact, some of our partners are the actual teachers, trainers, and professors at some of Canada’s largest colleges and universities. We have a train-the-trainer program, and are already saving energy managers and engineers from making big mistakes in following outdated and lesser quality programs whose savings come nowhere close to what people can and should be saving.
After attending a government-funded Energy Conference last year and witnessing some of the biggest mistakes made in Canadian history regarding Hydro and basic Energy projects, we urge everybody to go through a short training session BEFORE YOU PARTICIPATE IN ANY GRANT OR REBATE PROGRAM because of the savings that are missed, the calculations that are done wrong, the sizing and selecting of solutions that can be historical mistakes for every building, for every community. You can speak directly with representatives of our unique Program, which is completely separate from the IESO or OPA or any government program, completely funded by our own network, and which was designed to find out how to cut your energy costs in half in the first few weeks or months, not take years before seeing any progress. Call us for the relevant contact persons and we will arrange an introductory seminar online or at your location to go over all the details.
We invited government representatives to meet with us many times over the years, and most recently to participate in our program in November 2018…so far there has been limited success in attracting any interest. We are still hoping to receive a call to arrange a meeting so we can help them understand the scope of the amazing work that Neutopia has done and how we are helping people across Ontario. After sending invitations to inform 1,500 politicians and every member of parliament in 2017 about our massive study and the historical findings, and seeing the lack of interest, it led us to realize that we need to do this on our own. Nobody else is doing it. So we immediately set out to create the turn-key development network with full eco-financing. We are now the sole entity providing this program and it can save communities and business owners and home owners from wasting tens of millions of dollars on the wrong programs, the wrong solutions, the wrong calculations, the wrong methods for auditing buildings and energy needs etc. We are NOT saying that the government or any particular office is doing anything malicious, they have the best intentions, we are simply saying that the province is in a mess when it comes to energy and our program saves far more money than any other program that we’ve investigated. Our research shows that there are things that should be done BEFORE doing any of those government programs; there are things that people are doing wrong – the people receiving the money from the government, the un-trained energy managers, the consultants who are pushing their own agendas, the community leaders who have no formal training, the companies who are writing energy plans without following basic science that should be conducted BEFORE recommending or implementing particular solutions….we’ve seen hundreds of millions of dollars already wasted or spent on the wrong programs and wrong solutions….wrong in the sense that the community or building owners are NOT saving as much money as they could have saved if they had followed a different route. When we say it is ‘Wrong’ we mean “less favourable” or “saves less” or “there are better ways” or “we know if they did something differently they would have saved so much more”.
A perfect example is the popular government rebate programs for saving on energy, where it limits how much money a business or community can actually save because of how they are managed, what solutions are delivered and how the project is completed. Those programs are not even comparable to what Neutopia is doing. We are actually training Green Building Specialists straight out of college who have been trained the wrong way!! Our training seminars go over real-life examples of people funded by those government programs and how much money they’ve saved, and we compare how Neutopia’s program works and highlight the difference in dollars.
It is truly staggering.
Neutopia and Indigenous People’s
In Ontario Neutopia is already working with First Nations Chiefs who understand the scope of Neutopia’s program goes far beyond any competitors, most of whom can only do a portion of what our program offers because we have intellectual property in our own program and have exclusive technologies that can be installed prior to doing any common energy retrofits or even sizing for Renewable Energy projects.
We have also met with representatives of The Métis Nation of Ontario who have agreed to have Neutopia train teams to help with roll-out of our solution across their communities.
Federal and Provincial Government Participation
Neutopia signed a formal Agreement with an office of the government of Canada to train thousands of field reps across Canada (including a special program for people with disabilities) and will be holding training sessions in major cities across the country as our program is rolled out. A list of training sessions and cities is available online.
We invited 1,500 mayors and city councillors and all members of parliament to notify their business associations and all business owners, small and large, that we figured out how to cut the bills 20% to 50% for all businesses and have a simplified program that enables people of all skill levels to participate. We are now working with select community officials who were immediately interested and wanted help. We will be showcasing these community leaders at our Neutopia Day being planned at the Toronto Convention Centre, along with special guests and key speakers who will share their stories of how much money we’ve saved them.
Special Case Study: Off-grid and Remote Community
Neutopia has secretly been working on one of the most historical projects of its kind right here in Ontario; a commercial entity recruited Neutopia in December 2018 to see if we could help them get ‘Off-grid’ as much as possible, while still obeying provincial laws and regulations with regards to ‘staying connected’ to the provincial grid. The landowner, who covers the energy bills for 170 tenants who live in individual dwellings, was simply tired of all the energy hikes and headaches of dealing with expensive Power Outages.
The result: 97.6% Off-Grid capacity with Neutopia providing full eco-financing at rates so low that the land-owner decided to bundle her remaining mortgage with us, which did not make her Bank happy. But if you want to play in the energy market, you really should be prepared to offer lowest-cost financing and full-turn-key solutions at all levels of the project.
Our project includes a combination of energy savings technologies, smart grid technology, power quality improvements, energy storage, energy monitoring systems, 2-way utility-type communication systems, renewable energy generation (which included full-scope assessments for Run-of-River Hydro, small-scale Point-of-use Wind, Solar farm, generators, and Neutopia’s unique ERS System in a box which combines multiple technologies).
Neutopia trained 80 representatives from Quebec’s forestry companies at a conference with Hydro Quebec to explain various power & energy issues on the electrical grid, and we demonstrated how our ERS Solution can cut electricity bills at forestry operations by over 50%. This can change entire industries.
Neutopia conducted our first farm study to determine how integrating our ERS Solution can immediately cut the energy consumption of the farm; the results were a whopping 24%. With ERS we are able to offer solar panels and wind turbines (any on-site generation) with a significantly faster payback due to the elimination of the need for added inverters and by increasing the productivity and reducing the wasted energy all measured and guaranteed in advance of installation.
Apartment Complexes
Neutopia is the company behind the world’s smartest Apartment Complex, located in Mississauga, Ontario. Our ERS solution included complete building energy measuring and monitoring. The Property Managers are able to see every second of energy use in real time. No more cheesy annual or monthly graphs with useless information provided by the many companies offering common utility data. Now the PM’s get to see every detail imaginable in real time; when a light-switch is turned on, a fan, pump, motor, even seeing when a tenant opens the refrigerator door. All without installing expensive sensors all over the building – and no crazy monthly service fees…those days are over now that true Smart Building solutions are here. What’s more – it’s all connected to their smart phone and even sends a text message or alert when something happens that requires immediate attention. Complete and total building management now in the palm of their hand.
Neutopia HOME ERS Solution – Savings are Guaranteed with 20 year warranty
Studies conducted in the 1950’s through to the 1980’s revealed that most electrical technologies were too expensive and did not apply for residential implementation. Neutopia has done studies that prove this to be incorrect, and that savings as high as 41% have been achieved, measured and reproducible. We have now installed in retail, commercial, and homes with immediate savings and this enables us to offer our home system with a 1 year trial – Try for a whole winter and entire summer to convince yourself before deciding to keep it.
Grocery Stores
Neutopia has received many requests from some of the largest Grocery Store chains in the country. We’ve met with many franchise owners who have all asked for help. Unfortunately, repeated requests for participation got stopped at the head office of the company that owns the chains, for reasons that seem obvious but for which we’ll turn our heads to focus on other more positive things; like being recruited by independently owned and managed Grocery Store. Our preliminary estimates are showing a greater than 50% cut off the total electricity bill is possible. At least we can help the independent owners who pay their own bills and manage their own buildings.
Humber College’s Capstone projects offer students an opportunity to excel beyond the regular scholarly experience to enable the students to benefit from direct work experience on real-life projects making a difference in the world. With a focus on Sustainability, Embracing the Value of local Natural Resources and prioritizing Energy Conservation, and under the guidance of their distinguished professor, students working with Neutopia were able to gain valuable insight into the rigors of working on a Neutopia ecoPARK project.

Humber’s Capstone Leaders: the presentations by these most impressive students demonstrated excellence as forward-thinking world-changers who are ready to provide solutions to Canada’s most urgent problems relating to Sustainability, Northern/Remote Living Conditions, Energy and Free Food Supply not only for future generations, but available for today.
The 2 main Neutopia ecoPARK Projects:
1) the Power Plant for Poverty project in Newcastle, an OPA FIT 1 Solar Farm that will be helping thousands of children every year (Anyone wishing more info can contact Neutopia directly as there are regular updates available for all parties involved)

Neutopia signed all 3 owners of the original project into a strict Non-circumvention and Exclusivity Agreement to ensure no companies attempt to steal the project and hurt the children who will be benefiting from it. Any companies who attempt circumvention will be putting their shareholder’s stock value at significant risk, as the project will be a major media feature in the coming months.
2) Aglonquin Park Biomass ecoPARK, an OPA FIT 1 Biomass Cogeneration project that also includes a variety of synergistic cleantech opportunities such as Rooftop Solar, Ground-mount Solar, Cogeneration, Purpose Grown Crops for Canada, Wood Pellets and Indoor Greenhouse to convert the massive wood processing facility, a property that has been idled for so many years, into an economic development dream project.
The students also shared in the experience of working and communicating directly with community leaders, local economic development officers, the Ontario Power Authority, local electrical distribution companies, as well as some Neutopia partnership companies including multi-national engineering firms who have built 100’s of cleantech projects all over the world.
Preliminary Scope of Work:
- Perform energy assessment of technologies to be implemented
- Determine major pieces of equipment that would be using most energy
- Profile energy use patterns, consumption vs demand
- Profile emissions data
- Identify operational savings by implementing higher efficiency technologies – estimate cost, savings, payback
- Retrofit opportunities – for existing equipment on-site or spec’d in; estimate cost, savings, payback
- Benchmark against similar facilities

Neutopia wishes to congratulate Arslan Moghal, Mahdi Hasan, Mohammed Ziaul Islam and Ritam Banerji on a stellar report and presentation and is looking forward to working with these fine gentlemen in future projects to transform Community Efficiency Problems into Solutions for a more Sustainable world.