Building Owners:
Let Neutopia LEASE Your Building to Install Technologies and Earn Monthly Royalties!!
Neutopia is the most diversified cleantech company in the world. We are a global network of Project Developers and Engineering Firms specializing in Sustainable Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Waste Management. Call us today to set up an appointment and we will present a multitude of case studies highlighting how some communities, building owners and industry leaders have integrated various technologies, energy management software, efficiency retrofits or renewable energy systems to drastically cut energy costs, reduce their carbon footprints or even create new revenue streams.
- Neutopia Can Also Help LEED Certified Buildings Uncover Additional Savings
- The Neutopia Difference: Total Green Buildings Solution Program
- World’s Most Diversified Solutions Provider
- Why do Communities Keep Re-inventing the Wheel?
- Join the Program
Neutopia has launched an International Green Building Initiative to streamline the adoption of technologies to create the greenest energy-smart buildings and LEAN Communities and will devote its profits to Community Improvement Plans; Neutopia is the world’s first ‘pay-it-forward energy and infrastructure company!
Over 10,000 companies offer energy audits, efficiency technologies, bulk energy pricing programs and Green Power, but there’s only one company in the world that combines Energy Efficiency with Community Empowerment and Social Benevolence: Neutopia!
Neutopia Can Also Help LEED Certified Buildings Uncover Additional Savings
Audacious statement? Maybe so. But we have the proven technologies and the brightest cleantech minds in the world to back it up. We are capable of providing what may be the most diverse suite of ecoSOLUTIONS in the world to Reduce BOTH Peak Demand (kW) and Energy Use (kWh) from utility bills! Challenge us with your building. Put Neutopia inside and let us find you some lost revenue, and then we will use our own profits to help people who are suffering. You have nothing to lose, and the people we want to help have everything to gain. We can bring hope. We can change lives. We can improve life. Simply by transforming sustainability problems into social solutions.
Your part is simple; open your door. Let us do the rest.
Our Total Green Buildings Solution Program includes custom solutions at the Residential level, Institutional, Retail-Commercial, Hospitality, Industrial and innovative solutions to develop entire energy-smart communities that harness the latest in cleantech, renewable energy, energy efficiency and effective waste management/conversion systems. Remote and off-grid sites can probably benefit the most! We can still partner with you even if you have already signed a contract with an engineering firm because no company has all of the technologies that we are promoting; think of us as the icing on the cake and in many cases your partnership with Neutopia may be the greatest solution of all because with Neutopia’s Total Building Solutions Program our integrated solution option is much greater than the sum of its parts!
Our mission begins with the phased development at strategic locations, bringing a diverse portfolio of leading ‘green’ technologies and reaching out to industries and communities that are ready to embrace this revolution. We take great pride in living harmoniously with nature, and Neutopia is prepared to integrate our eco-solutions into high priority regions to benefit communities in need of economic stimulation, new businesses, youth retention and job creation, renewable energy and efficiency technologies. It is our strong belief that our unique Social Benefit business model will simplify the road to energy independence and empower communities around the world. We are proving this with our first project proposals in Ontario, Canada, where if the OPA approves our projects it could result in hundreds of thousands of dollars devoted to help ease suffering and promote community health…every year!

Elementary green building plans start at the Basic level. Neutopia helps these clients get to the next level where the bigger energy savings can be found. Moreover, Neutopia’s incentives are far greater than any utility company’s rebate program in North America…showing that we truly are at the forefront of energy efficiency and we will constantly strive to maintain our position as the most advanced Cleantech company in the world.
*We are even seeking buildings that are already ‘green’, as Neutopia’s program can uncover additional savings where traditional energy audits fail simply because some technologies are not widespread yet or do not have mass distribution agreements in place. Neutopia may be the most advanced solutions provider in the world, and our Green Partnership Program Money-back Guarantee ensures it’s a risk-free alliance!
A Unique Multidisciplinary Approach
Not every client or community has the same problem, but they all have the same type of problem; primarily energy and waste management. Neutopia has created a unique business model which includes an unprecedented network of technology providers and project scouts ready to initiate our projects. When hired by an individual client or by a town, our multidisciplinary team of experts is put to work. This team is composed of renewable energy experts, environmental scientists, engineers, biologists, green building specialists, grant advisors, even government relations and Aboriginal advisors (our 7 solar farm applications to the Ontario Power Authority included 51% Aboriginal ownership).
“When Neutopia is recruited, our multi-disciplinary team of experts arrives. We first conduct a Community Assessment based on our 30-point Swarm Project Development™ Action Plan over a period of several months. We also present our Public Awareness Seminars; awe-inspiring multimedia shows to attract interest and participation throughout the entire community.”
The world is moving toward a clean energy future with global renewable energy investments reaching new heights in 2012 and will continue growing as communities are adopting clean fuel and sustainable energy initiatives, chemical production from renewable resources and effective waste management policies. In fact, annual investment in new renewable power capacity worldwide is set to grow over four fold between 2013 and 2030, according to new research by Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The most probable scenario showed investments in renewable energy skyrocketing by 230 percent to $630 billion per year by 2030, driven by improvements in the cost-competitiveness of wind and solar technologies, along with developments in hydro, geothermal and biomass conversion. Also, the market for Sustainable Building materials and energy efficiency technologies are expected to more than double from $116 billion in 2012 to $254 billion per year by 2020.
“Neutopia was created to identify the barriers and create enablers, essentially to help communities and industrial partners to develop Lean/Green [Community / Corporate] Social Responsibility Plans via our unique Neutopia ecoPARK & Green Community business model with the right incentives and financial support that will streamline these initiatives while stimulating local economic development.”
World’s Most Diversified Solutions Provider
Our portfolio comprises a full suite of Energy Efficiency & Sustainable Solutions from evaluating 100’s of technologies, enabling us to offer custom solutions for homes, high rises and resorts to schools, hospitals, large industrial sites and Off-Grid for remote areas. Not only are we capable of providing what may be the most diverse suite of ecoSOLUTIONS in the world to Reduce BOTH Peak Demand (kW) and Energy Use (kWh) from utility bills, Neutopia is the world’s first Social Benefit Project Development Company of its kind; 80% – 100% of our profits will be devoted to community enhancement projects. We are not a charity; charity groups raise money by asking for donations and then hiring a project developer, while Neutopia is a project developer that will be using its own revenue to re-invest in the development of community improvement projects and/or humanitarian aid initiatives at home and around the world!
Why do Communities Keep Re-inventing the Wheel?
We are not a consulting firm that simply writes reports; there have been enough reports sponsored by communities all over the world that end up collecting dust because many of these communities do not have the capacity to transfer that knowledge into a business attraction action plan. Failure lies not in the knowledge of a solution but in the execution of it and that’s why we created a simple system to streamline the entire process enabling us to achieve in a few months what could take a town more than a year of studies and reports on their own to accomplish.
Uniting the Community
One of the key steps in the Neutopia LEAN Community Partnership Program™ is to hold our proprietary Sustainable Community Public Awareness Seminar. This is an awe-inspiring two-hour odyssey into the realm of cleantech and success stories from around the world, complete with pictures, videos and exciting guest speakers. We introduce the reason why we were recruited to the Municipality, what we are planning, and how the community can get involved with their own green energy projects, without requiring their capital investment!
Neutopia’s International Green Building Initiative comes at a perfect time as new building codes come into effect around the world, requiring an unprecedented energy efficiency rating for new buildings and upgrades to existing facilities. Neutopia understands that the benefits of going green and incorporating energy efficiency savings into buildings can be a confusing and long process for building owners and facility managers, taking up significant time, resources, and especially financing to undertake such an initiative.
“We saw this as an opportunity to create our own niche market where we don’t simply write reports with recommendations, but rather we form partnerships with building owners so we can uncover additional savings. Then we use our profits to help people who are suffering in their community or in another country. This Social Benefit business model raises the bar on Community/Corporate Social Responsibility campaigns, while the client benefits economically. Moreover, our Green Energy Financing Network means our clients don’t even have to use their own operational budgets and can opt to either pay off their projects over 15 – 20 years or they can simply allow us to install the technologies at our own cost and pay them monthly royalties on the savings! It’s a game-changing business model that is attracting international interest.” -Robert W. Laporte, CEO Neutopia, speaking at the International Vertical Cities Conference in Seoul, South Korea, March 2013
Joining Neutopia could be one of the greatest decisions of your life. This is especially true when you are able to see on your mobile phone exactly how our partnership is helping people in your community, and around the world.
Join the Program
It is our time to lead by example how we can transform community and industrial problems into social solutions; by creating a Social Benefit company that harnesses our resources and devotes the profits to making our communities stronger. This program could improve millions of lives around the world, and we are hopeful you will be interested in developing a relationship with Neutopia and welcoming us as your Social Benefit Green Project Partners today. We believe we really can change the world…one LEAN Community at a time.
We are now accepting Letters of Interest to join our program and setting up our project schedule for 2013 and 2014. We welcome your interest and request for further information.
Call us today for an initial conference call and we can custom design a slideshow with case studies best suited to your needs.
The Neutopia Green Energy Investment Network™
A key feature of Neutopia is that we already reached out to more than 300 investment firms, asset management firms, investment banks, venture capitalists and angel investors and created a portfolio or ‘green network’ composed of investors who are focused on each type of renewable energy project from residential solar to large utility scale power plants, and includes international project development expertise.
This enables Neutopia to offer a variety of financing strategies to each type of client or to develop partnerships with building owners and landowners. If you have a project and are seeking investors contact us today to learn about the benefits of the Neutopia Green Community Partnership Program™.
We specifically focused on entering into an MOU with a Strategic Partnership for our solar projects first, since they will usually be Phase I development for each of our ecoPARKS. Having an equity partner also facilitates the debt financing we need to invest in our own projects, and in our case it’s via one network.
Neutopia is Set to Revolutionize the Global Cleantech Market
Incorporated in 2008, Neutopia launched a cross-continental business feasibility study and traveled more than 80,000 km over two years to meet with community leaders and landowners. Neutopia is now emerging from stealth with more than a quarter billion dollars in green development projects in various countries.
The unique Social Benefit energy company is the first of its kind in the world and is attracting international interest. Investors are not only guaranteed revenue from government-backed contracts, they may even qualify as 100% tax write-offs due to the innovative business model that has the potential to forever change the way energy projects are developed. Continue reading
Robert Laporte was invited to meet with Economic Development officers at the recent Economic Developers Council of Ontario 55th Annual Conference and Showcase in Toronto. Robert met several of Ontario’s Economic Development Directors, Officers and managers of the CFDC offices and was able to introduce the Neutopia business model and how it benefits communities.
Robert also had the opportunity to meet with Paul Blais and Brock Dickinson, Principals of Millier Dickinson Blais, who were sponsors of the event, as well as representatives from some of northern Ontario’s funding agencies. They seemed very keen on learning more about the pioneering community economic development initiatives that we are planning in North America and also to help establish alliances.
Robert discussed Neutopia’s current projects and how we can create a community enhancement plan based on our innovative Neutopia ecoPARK & Green Community Partnership Program™. We explained our estimates are such that for every month a community waits to join the program they are losing out on more than $100,000, a very strong motivator to join our program. Several of Ontario’s Economic Development managers were interested in receiving more information and learning how their communities can participate in our program, which is currently focused on establishing a Neutopia Green Community region along the highway 11 corridor.
Neutopia presented a Special First Nations Empowerment Plan to develop a Neutopia Green Community Partnership program with First Nations in January.
The first plan of its kind, which brings together a network of scientists, project developers, engineering firms, technology providers and equipment manufacturers, was issued to Attawapiskat First Nation. The Attawapiskat First Nation community has been all over the news due to poor living conditions that has attracted international attention including a report from the United Nations condemning the Canadian government’s inability to help this community.
Our preliminary assessment is that the Canadian government has provided millions of dollars in funding to this community, although little if any professional assistance to offer community support and development. The news reports were shocking to Neutopia because we believe this community, like other remote First Nation communities, could be on their way to self-reliance today if they had the appropriate know-how and it could only take a few years!
Our plan could potentially help lift this community from its depressed economic state and poor community health by integrating a Neutopia Green Community ecoPARK program, with Neutopia’s revenues being re-invested in the community for sustainable development and long-term community action plans.
This is a prime example of how Neutopia’s innovative business model can help even our most remote communities, without requiring any investment from the community or banks or any federal or provincial involvement. This plan truly emphasizes the capability of the community to become self-reliant and how it can begin today.
We have not heard back from any officials from Attawapiskat, although we appreciate they have had a very difficult winter and we are very hopeful they will be interested in pursuing a project as soon as they are ready.
Last week Neutopia signed a Joint Venture Agreement to develop a 6.9MW wind farm, along highway 11 in the district of Thunder Bay, northern Ontario, Canada.
The estimated $35 million project will consist of three 2.3MW wind turbines, but may scale up to more as the pre-feasibility studies are completed. Neutopia attracted the project opportunity and acquired the project development rights following a Neutopia Public Awareness Seminar to educate the community on the benefits of recruiting Neutopia as a Green Energy partner. The landowner was on-site to witness the innovative business model we are promoting and saw the benefits of partnering with Neutopia for such a project.
The development site is situated on a 157 acre parcel, so the project could scale up to a much larger ecoPARK project if future grid capacity is increased via the anticipated new 230kV line extending from the proposed Little Jackfish hydro project which would run right by our proposed development site.
Neutopia will be submitting a grant application to pursue the wind study and associated environmental studies. A major attraction for us is that the wind turbines would not be located in proximity to any community, reducing the potential of NIMBYISM (not in my backyard-ism) as we are witnessing for many proposed wind farms across the province that are not community-owned.
On the contrary, we are hoping this project will attract community interest since Neutopia’s Social Benefit business model would be investing our revenues in community enhancement projects.
We are anticipating the project will be similar to other wind turbine projects above forested areas such as this picture from a project in Bavaria, where modern wind turbines with hub heights of more than 100 metres are opening up the potential of forest sites by reaching low-turbulence layers of air high above the tops of trees.

Image souce: TÜV SÜD Industrie Service
Neutopia Presentation to Mayor & Council Reveals Innovative Plans
Neutopia presented a 188 page report to the Mayor and Honourable members of Council on December 5, 2011 at a meeting of the Committee of the Whole. Robert Laporte and Chris Jepson traveled to Northern Ontario to present the eagerly anticipated document.
The report explains the efforts that were undertaken since December 2010, how Neutopia attracted Cliffs Natural Resources to the community, what transpired when Neutopia met with Cliffs representatives, as well as the Project Development Protocol that was initiated to begin planning the $450 million ecoPARK in Northern Ontario and the ecoCENTER network to support the Ring of Fire mining activities. We also presented a slideshow revealing substantial benefits to the residents and area aboriginal communities who could be benefiting from these opportunities if they are pursued, we are very hopeful we can stimulate interest.
Neutopia is now waiting to hear if Cliffs will be pursuing their plans in the region, and if so what opportunities the local communities may be interested in pursuing with Neutopia. All area Aboriginal community leaders were invited to meet with Robert Laporte during the community assessment phase and we had the opportunity to present our ideas to one of the local First Nation councils.
We are very hopeful we can generate interest in the opportunities we have presented, which we believe are the greatest economic and community development opportunities for the region in decades. In fact, we believe it is the greatest opportunity in Canadian history and this type of initiative could empower Aboriginal community’s with energy independence and a multitude of associated benefits.
The most shocking news we heard while in the region is that many leaders are still pushing for an extension of power lines through the landscape, when we are now living in an age of decentralized energy and community power…why would anyone want to buy electricity from another source when they could be making their own? This old-school thinking is a great tragedy across our country because it forces reliance on others and takes the power away from the community.
Since the Ring of Fire mining activities may be picking up steam in the near future, we strongly urge all community groups and community leaders to hear about Neutopia’s innovative solutions because they ensure revenues are re-invested in the communities and surrounding region.
Our fear is that if they don’t plan ahead they will lose these economic opportunities to other groups with other interests, because that is how our continent was developed and our new community leaders should be thinking outside of the box and assessing alternative solutions for the betterment of the communities they are representing.
Neutopia’s innovative business model represents a new era in Corporate Social Responsibility plans by merging industrial development with community and environmental initiatives.
Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. has signed a Joint Venture to expand the Neutopia Global ecoPARK Initiative into Latin America. We have already contacted the Canadian Embassies in both Quito and Guyaquil regarding the Neutopia-Ecuadorian CONSORCIO Agreement with our Project Development partners in Ecuador.
A professor was in attendance at the Monieson presentation in April 2011 and was so intrigued with Neutopia’s Social Benefit business model and our international projects that he invited us to be a guest lecturer to introduce his students to the unique business. The professor, a D.R. Sobey Professor of International Business at Queen’s and his students are focused on international business development.
Neutopia’s presentation was an awe-inspiring slideshow revealing the core of Neutopia; from the early beginnings in a one bedroom basement apartment to more than $250 million in projects currently being negotiated with the Neutopia Investment Network (not including our $450 million ecoPARK proposal presented in Northern Ontario).
The students had a rare opportunity to get a glimpse into Neutopia’s innovative business development protocol and saw pictures of our Neutopia teams in Ecuador and West Africa, and we discussed the potential for projects in Brazil and Southeast Asia. If your school is interested in hearing about Neutopia’s initiatives please contact us to discuss guest lecture opportunities.

Strategic Partnership; Neutopia has signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding with investors and manufacturers based in the GTA. Neutopia is preparing to make a global impact in the solar industry.
Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. Signs MOU with Investors for Solar Projects.
The solar industry is filled with companies who are all competing for the same projects, with developers who are taking advantage of landowners and investors who are not thinking outside of the box.
This is not the way the industry should be moving forward and Neutopia realized this from day one. The strategy that Neutopia employs is to get their feet on the ground and create their own projects rather than bid on public projects, and to have direct relationships for the entire value chain rather than purchase through costly distribution channels or other middle-men. This drastically lowers the cost of developing a project resulting in greater return on investment and IRR’s for our clients, our private investors, and our own investment team. Continue reading