Neutopia presented a Special First Nations Empowerment Plan to develop a Neutopia Green Community Partnership program with First Nations in January.
The first plan, which brings together a network of scientists, project developers, engineering firms, technology providers and equipment manufacturers, was issued to Attawapiskat First Nation. The Attawapiskat First Nation community has been all over the news due to poor living conditions that has attracted international attention including a report from the United Nations condemning the Canadian government’s inability to help this community. Continue reading
Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. has finalized the Green Church Initiative, which offers churches across North America a solution for creating new revenue streams. These new revenue streams, along with cost savings attributed to the integration of energy efficiency technologies and strategies, can be used to lower operating and maintenance costs of running the churches or to finance community aid projects.
Neutopia may be the first and only company in the world to offer such a program to churches. While there are a wide variety of consulting firms who all offer energy saving tips and recommendations, Neutopia’s program offers a full A to Z project development initiative and will result in massive investments into development projects that will improve community health in addition to financing and development of international aid projects. Continue reading

Significant Business Opportunity
Chris Jepson and Robert Laporte toured a local landfill in November, 2011. We were amazed to see that the town is losing out on over $10 million in lost renewable energy revenue PER YEAR!!
We have also uncovered a significant business opportunity to develop a Neutopia ecoPARK directly at the landfill. This is not the first project of its kind that we have uncovered; the opportunities are tremendous right across North America.
Community Organic Waste & Resource Recovery ecoPARKS
The first opportunity like this was identified for a food processing company near Toronto. The plans for that project can be merged with the new site; raising the estimated $4 Million Neutopia ecoCENTER to more than three times the original size. The plans will include an MSW processing system in addition to converting the waste into green energy and/or other value-added products. Continue reading
Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. has signed a Joint Venture to expand the Neutopia Global ecoPARK Initiative into Latin America. We have already contacted the Canadian Embassies in both Quito and Guyaquil regarding the Neutopia-Ecuadorian CONSORCIO Agreement with our Project Development partners in Ecuador.

Robert Laporte with the Honourable Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development
One exciting factor to consider is that the ecoPARKS would also offer the wood mills in the area a new revenue stream that would also satisfy financing for re-start up since the ecoPARK could become their biggest partners. This is something that has excited our financial network and our partner companies. The whole concept of an integrated ecoPARK is new to most people who aren’t involved in the energy sector or simply focused on one technology.
Basically, if a biomass processing plant was built on its own it would be difficult to be economical. If it’s built adjacent a wood mill then it’s more economical. Neutopia spent years researching various technologies from around the world and has created an integrated ecoPARK business model composed of an extensive network of technologies. We design each ecoPARK based on the resources that are available in each area and by integrating these technologies we create something of an industrial symbiosis which enables us to manufacture a wider range of products at the same site which results in significantly greater revenue per given area of land.
It is our belief that every community should have an ecoPARK tailored to meet the needs of the community and local industries. At the very least it will be a site to generate clean energy and/or bio-based products from under-utilized local resources.
This would be done in a sustainable manner, ensuring long term employment and an attractive investment opportunity for the community as they will reap significant long-term rewards on the minor costs associated with recruiting Neutopia to the region.
Robert W. Laporte, CEO Neutopia
Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. signed a game-changing partnership agreement to develop a 10MW solar farm in Ontario, Canada. The unique Neutopia Green Community Partnership Program™ enables landowners to become full partners in projects rather than lease their land to other developers for meager royalty payments. This Agreement is the first of its kind and may set a new standard in Community Development projects as Neutopia’s Social Benefit business model re-directs revenues right back into the community’s that host their projects.
We didn’t like the way energy and infrastructure projects were being developed… so we created a new one.
Why would a landowner ever want to lease their land when they can now form a partnership with Neutopia? We are doing our best to attract investors for projects under $5 million however for now our focus has to be on the larger projects where financing is readily available.
Our Social Benefit business model has the potential to change the way solar and wind projects are developed all over the world, for the ultimate benefit of each community that embraces these technologies.
This project, if approved by the OPA Feed-in-tariff program, is estimated to generate no less than 12,500,000kWh per year and earn more than $110 million over the 20 year Power Purchase Agreement.
While Neutopia will incorporate a solar farm at each ecoPARK being planned, some solar farms will be stand-alone projects such as Project Solar Fox:
Phase I of the project is being planned to include 500kW on each of three properties for a total of 1.5MW, followed by an expansion for phase II to complete a total of 10MW. Neutopia has exclusive rights to provide the solar farm equipment and technologies including panels, modules and racking systems.
The company issued a Request for Expressions of Interest to every solar company in Ontario and evaluated all interested parties and scored them based on price, performance history, industry reputation, and their corporate social responsibility plans. As Neutopia’s first solar project, the $40 million Cap Ex will generate significant revenue for the company and help secure their position in the province as a key player in the solar market.
- Location: Ontario, Canada
- More than 200 acres over 5 properties
- Land Classification 4 & 5
- Estimated 25 MW potential
- Phase I development = 3 properties each 500 kW
- Phase II development = up to 10MW total
- preFIT Consultation completed with Hydro One, latest report issued 09/23/11
- Estimated Revenue from electricity sales over 20 Year PPA: $110,750,000*
- Estimated Yearly Revenue: $5,537,500*
*estimates are for fixed systems; use of thin film and/or trackers will generate greater revenue