Humber College’s Capstone projects offer students an opportunity to excel beyond the regular scholarly experience to enable the students to benefit from direct work experience on real-life projects making a difference in the world. With a focus on Sustainability, Embracing the Value of local Natural Resources and prioritizing Energy Conservation, and under the guidance of their distinguished professor, students working with Neutopia were able to gain valuable insight into the rigors of working on a Neutopia ecoPARK project.

Humber’s Capstone Leaders: the presentations by these most impressive students demonstrated excellence as forward-thinking world-changers who are ready to provide solutions to Canada’s most urgent problems relating to Sustainability, Northern/Remote Living Conditions, Energy and Free Food Supply not only for future generations, but available for today.
The 2 main Neutopia ecoPARK Projects:
1) the Power Plant for Poverty project in Newcastle, an OPA FIT 1 Solar Farm that will be helping thousands of children every year (Anyone wishing more info can contact Neutopia directly as there are regular updates available for all parties involved)

Neutopia signed all 3 owners of the original project into a strict Non-circumvention and Exclusivity Agreement to ensure no companies attempt to steal the project and hurt the children who will be benefiting from it. Any companies who attempt circumvention will be putting their shareholder’s stock value at significant risk, as the project will be a major media feature in the coming months.
2) Aglonquin Park Biomass ecoPARK, an OPA FIT 1 Biomass Cogeneration project that also includes a variety of synergistic cleantech opportunities such as Rooftop Solar, Ground-mount Solar, Cogeneration, Purpose Grown Crops for Canada, Wood Pellets and Indoor Greenhouse to convert the massive wood processing facility, a property that has been idled for so many years, into an economic development dream project.
The students also shared in the experience of working and communicating directly with community leaders, local economic development officers, the Ontario Power Authority, local electrical distribution companies, as well as some Neutopia partnership companies including multi-national engineering firms who have built 100’s of cleantech projects all over the world.
Preliminary Scope of Work:
- Perform energy assessment of technologies to be implemented
- Determine major pieces of equipment that would be using most energy
- Profile energy use patterns, consumption vs demand
- Profile emissions data
- Identify operational savings by implementing higher efficiency technologies – estimate cost, savings, payback
- Retrofit opportunities – for existing equipment on-site or spec’d in; estimate cost, savings, payback
- Benchmark against similar facilities

Neutopia wishes to congratulate Arslan Moghal, Mahdi Hasan, Mohammed Ziaul Islam and Ritam Banerji on a stellar report and presentation and is looking forward to working with these fine gentlemen in future projects to transform Community Efficiency Problems into Solutions for a more Sustainable world.