LEAN Community & Green Buildings


About Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc.

Neutopia’s Green Development Network (“Neutopia” or the “Company”) is a corporation established under the laws of Ontario that provides consulting and turn-key solutions for the sale, installation, and management of sustainable community projects, including clean energy generation, water conservation, waste management, and highest efficiency building technologies.

Pioneering a revolutionary business model that merges Corporate and Community Social Responsibility with Environmental Sustainability and Social Benevolence, Neutopia is the world’s first Social Benefit Energy & Infrastructure Company.

Celebrating more than 15 years of success, Neutopia is a Sustainable Community Project Development Powerhouse focused on integrating Highest Efficiency and Best in Class products for LEAN Communities around the world.  We are a global network of Cleantech Project Developers and Engineering Firms specializing in Sustainable Communities, Green Buildings, Energy Efficiency Technologies and Renewable Energy ecoPARKS. Armed with the world’s most diverse suite of Efficiency Technologies and eco-Solutions, Neutopia can help even the greenest buildings uncover additional savings.

Creating a New Savings Program for North American Power, Water, & Gas

Following an un-precedented 500,000 km business feasibility study, Neutopia discovered that 100% of every business and every building investigated could easily cut their total electricity bills by over 25% without changing a single light-bulb, but that most property managers have no training in equipment or technologies to accomplish it. It has NOTHING to do with changing out equipment for so-called ‘higher efficiencies’; we have scientific proof that doing that isn’t even needed.

Not every building would require the same technology or combination of solutions, so Neutopia created a method to measure and design the right combo of solutions – one that is customized for each property – one that would cut a guaranteed 20% to 50% off the utility bills measured and guaranteed in advance and then continuously monitored 24/7 to enable clients to always see their savings in real-time on their own computers or Smart Phones.

Neutopia owns all of the intellectual property of the ERS design software, technology combinations, and is even the exclusive global provider of some of the key components, making competition impossible. Now launched as the Neutopia ecoPark and ERS Program, the company is making history in the industry as the sole end‐to‐end ERS solutions provider in the world.  Next steps are training engineering firms and installation teams, and licensing the program to utility companies and other lucrative partnerships worldwide.

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come…welcome to Neutopia!


Do you have a Community Green Plan? Do you have buildings that require energy efficiency upgrades? Is your landfill closing? Do you have a waste problem? Do you have unused resources? Do you have an industrial park? Neutopia is ready to receive your Letter of Interest to join our network of communities that are eager to start ‘going green’.

Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. is Canada’s LEAN Community Efficiency and Social Impact Company.  We are recruited by Municipalities to develop our Neutopia ecoPARK & Green Community Plans™ to establish a local Green Economy focused on Renewable Energy, Landfill Diversion and Building Energy Efficiency technologies. Essentially, communities should be regarded as living organisms; what comes in, what goes out, and how the different services and local industries can connect like organs in the body functioning harmoniously to benefit the whole.

Neutopia is pioneering an innovative Social Impact business model that is set to revolutionize community planning policies. We traveled over 80,000 km across North America over 2 years to understand the most common problems that communities face and created a new type of company that can offer the technological solutions while ensuring the revenues are maintained in the community.  Specifically for the province of Ontario, we estimate that for every month a community waits to join the program they are losing as much as $100,000 in a local green economy that is just waiting to be developed. We have yet to visit a community where a base case cannot be achieved.

We have formed a network of strategic alliances with technology providers and engineering firms enabling Neutopia to present a complete suite of green technologies to help entire communities to ‘go green’, solving energy and waste problems while creating synergistic business opportunities throughout the region with long-term sustainable employment. We accomplish this by creating our unique Neutopia ecoPARK & Green Community Plan™ based on the concepts of biological systems integration; a methodology similar to what Kaizen and Six Sigma™ have done for industries, and what LEED™ does for buildings, although on a much larger scale to benefit entire communities. The business model has attracted leading universities where Neutopia has been a guest lecturer on Social Innovation and Leadership in Business.

The first Neutopia Green Community Partnership Programs™ were launched in 2010 and attracted more than 1000 acres of prospective development sites. Since then, we’ve received requests from all over the world and have an amazing Corporate Presentation that will knock your socks off.

The Neutopia Green Development and Social Impact Investment Network™ was established to enable individual clients and entire municipalities to accelerate purchase decisions without having any negative impacts to existing operational budgets. In other words, our clients will be able to save short term cash while pursuing long term economic gain. (We also cover application fees, security deposits, debt and equity financing etc. for Green Buildings and OPA FIT projects)

It is very easy to get started!


We launched our first major marketing campaign to high priority regions across Ontario in late 2010. This was done without any corporate sponsorship or government grants or subsidies of any kind, hoping it will inspire other like-minded people who believe we need to become the change we want to see, and that we are capable of doing it today.