Strategic Partnership; Neutopia has signed a formal Memorandum of Understanding with investors and manufacturers based in the GTA. Neutopia is preparing to make a global impact in the solar industry.
Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. Signs MOU with Investors for Solar Projects.
The solar industry is filled with companies who are all competing for the same projects, with developers who are taking advantage of landowners and investors who are not thinking outside of the box.
This is not the way the industry should be moving forward and Neutopia realized this from day one. The strategy that Neutopia employs is to get their feet on the ground and create their own projects rather than bid on public projects, and to have direct relationships for the entire value chain rather than purchase through costly distribution channels or other middle-men. This drastically lowers the cost of developing a project resulting in greater return on investment and IRR’s for our clients, our private investors, and our own investment team.
There are too many opportunities out there for companies to be competing, it doesn’t make sense. They should be forming partnerships and at least getting their own feet on the ground and meeting with prospective clients, educating them about the benefits and risks, and providing full turn-key solutions.
Neutopia has this philosophy down pat, and we have established direct relationships with the entire value chain from initiating the preFIT consultations, grant applications, conducting the Renewable Energy Assessments (REA) process including all required studies and environmental assessments. Neutopia took the time to establish direct relationships for all of the equipment components that go into every renewable energy project whether it’s solar, wind, or entire biomass gasification plants. Not only that, we’ve created a Social Benefit and Green Community Partnership Program that may be a game-changer for the industry: Neutopia’s revenue is re-invested in the community and/or devoted to the development of humanitarian aid projects in developing nations:
Neutopia is the world’s first Social Benefit project development company. Our pioneering vision is to transform community problems into social solutions, essentially converting unused resources into revenues that we can use to help ease suffering around the world: energy, food, shelter, medicine etc. This innovative business model may forever change the way government aid, non-profits and charities work, since it significantly increases the value of every dollar invested.