Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. has signed a Joint Venture to expand the Neutopia Global ecoPARK Initiative into Latin America. We have already contacted the Canadian Embassies in both Quito and Guyaquil regarding the Neutopia-Ecuadorian CONSORCIO Agreement with our Project Development partners in Ecuador.

Neutopia creates JV with partners in Ecuador for our first ecoPARK south of the border. The project consists of an agricultural waste to energy project with on-site solar farm. Left to right: Diego, José, Pablo, Pedro.
Authorized Purpose:
The formal Memorandum of Understanding is “granting Neutopia ecoSOLUTIONS Inc. exclusive rights for the development of an industrial ecoPARK which would incorporate one or more renewable energy technologies for:
- Solar Farm (Phase I is for 30MW, additional sites being sought)
- Cogeneration (Combined Heat & Power)
- Densified Biomass Fuels (Pellets/Briquets)
- Biofuel Production
- Bio-based Products
Neutopia’s partners in Ecuador are conducting audits in several cities. They have been meeting with local politicians and industry leaders, presenting Neutopia’s ecoPARK plans and conducting audits as part of an extensive Project Development Protocol for various manufacturing plants and assessing the project potential of multiple communities.
Neutopia Ecuador Phase I: 30 MW Solar Farm
Estimated CapEx: $120 million
The team in Ecuador has already been investigating prospective development sites, negotiating with land owners, meeting with ministry officials and with the electricity grid operators.
We have the potential to build several solar farms across Latin America and then down into other countries in South America including Argentina and Brazil where our partners already have business contacts to help streamline the project development.
This project will result in substantial revenue for Neutopia via the sale from being the equipment and technology provider in addition to the long term revenue for the Power Purchase Agreement which would be for 15 years:
Estimated revenue from electricity sales (15yr Power Purchase Agreement): $252 million
Thousands of lives will be improved as a result of our Social Benefit programs. We are merely taking advantage of untapped business opportunities in communities, the revenues are sitting right under our noses. We believe that if our first year of business is a sign of things to come then we are undoubtedly on the cusp of a paradigm shift in how private companies can change the world.
A revolution is happening. The first Neutopia branches have reached out.